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Haku woke up that morning to the worst headache she had ever experienced.

She stretched her arm- the one that wasn't in a sling- and legs, immediately growing alert when she realized that she was in a bed. Chishiya had left before getting her a room, so that must have meant that she was in someone else's. She checked underneath the blanket, relieved when she saw that she was fully clothed. She grew more at ease when she saw Kuina sleeping soundly beside her, realizing that she must be in her room.

She got up groggily, walking towards the bathroom to remove the smell of alcohol from her breath. Seeing as she didn't have a toothbrush, she settled on using the mouthwash on the sink. However, after a dozen or so gargles, she realized that the smell wasn't coming from her mouth, but from her body.

What exactly happened last night?

Haku's eyes widened when she realized what she must have been doing the night before. At the thought of some random stranger's tongue on her stomach, neck, and god knows where else, she jumped into the shower. She didn't even feel the heat of the almost-scalding water as she scrubbed her body raw.

The worst part was that she couldn't remember anything.

Well, except for the one thing she actually wanted to forget.

I have to ask Kuina about last night when she wakes up.

She stayed there for a few more minutes, the steam and water helping with her headache. Eventually, she got out of the shower, just in time to hear a knock on the door. She quickly dried her body and put on her swimsuit before answering, opening it to find Chishiya standing there with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Good morning." She greeted, stepping aside to let him in. He strolled in casually, his eyes landing on the passed-out Kuina on the bed before returning to Haku.

"It's afternoon."

Haku rolled her eyes, walking back towards the bed as a wave of nausea hit her. She plopped down and got under the covers just as Chishiya sat on the couch near the window.

"It's nice to see you too." She muttered sarcastically, closing her eyes.

"Fun night?"

Even if she couldn't see him, she could imagine the teasing smirk on his face.

"No idea. I can't remember anything."

He didn't say anything in response, but Haku could feel his eyes burning into her.

"You're staring."

Chishiya still didn't say anything.

"You can just ask, you know. Whatever it is that you want to know."

"Where's the fun in that?" He replied. Haku opened her eyes, staring annoyedly at him.

"As much fun as this conversation is, I have a killer hangover right now. Is there something I can do for you?"

"Here I was thinking you'd actually be happy to get your own room." He replied with a bored tone, raising his hand to show the room key he had been holding. Haku immediately felt bad for snapping at him, slowly getting up and walking over to the couch. She sat beside him, giving him a small smile as she got it.

"Thank you, Chishiya."

"Hatter is going to participate in a game tonight. He wants you to come with him." He added, making Haku groan.

"But I still have a few days before I have to renew my visa." She crossed her arms, but she knew she had no choice. Hatter didn't seem like a man one could say no to.

The White Queen 白の女王 Niragi SuguruWhere stories live. Discover now