"Don't hide it Weasley" Draco said with a chuckle and a slight smirk.

"What do you mean?" Draco smiled and turned so he could walk and look straight into her beautiful eyes, now walking backwards. "What are you doing" Raven asks, laughing so hard she's almost in tears, Just then, Draco tumbles over a bench landing on his back. 

"Holy shit, I really am an idiot" Raven now on the floor laughing, she says through her loud laughs. 

"You really said play it cool" Draco now laughing along with her he says while trying to catch his breath.

"Care to help?" Holding his hand out, Raven looks at him skeptical on what to do but then says out of breath.

"Ok ok fine, here" She hands him her hand, but before she knew it. She was on the fluffy spring grass with him. His arm under her head making sure that her beautiful fiery hair doesn't get messy. 

"Raven," Draco said while looking at the girl's perfect side profile. 

"Draco" She said while turning to face him. "Would you go out with me?" She looked at him with that I know what you're doing face. 

"Hmm ok, could be fun." Draco looked surprisingly at the beautiful girl in his arms. 

"Really" He was surprised. 

"The one and only Draco Malfoy is dumb founded for once in his life, thought I would never see the day." Raven chuckled while putting her head on his chest. 

"What are we doing... We could be seen by your brothers or your sister?" Draco went on, while he watched the girl raise her head to look into his deep grey eyes. 

"Draco to be completely blunt with you. I don't care if people see, and I sure as hell don't care about what people think of me, so I do what I want. Cuddle who I want, date who I want. Period." Draco was even more attracted to her after she said that. 

*She's out of my league, she's perfect. I've been with many girls, and no girl has made me feel this way.* Draco looked down and kissed the top of her red fiery hair. 

"Raven can I be completely honest with you?"

"Mhm'' Raven mumbled with a tired kind of tone in her voice. 

"I-I love you, like more than I could have ever imagined, and you're out of my league-" 

A burning kiss was re-laid between the two, cutting off what Draco was near saying. 

"Oh my sweet sweet Draco, how have you not noticed yet. You drive me crazy" Draco thought for a second before responding. 

"Is that why you were staring at me in potions all the time?" Raven blushed and attempted to cover her face with her blue moon hoodie but Draco grabbed her hand before she could. 

"Don't cover, I know you're blushing because of me" He smirked. 

"Oh don't flatter yourself Malfoy'' She slapped his chest and put her head back into the comfortable spot right in the nape of his neck. Draco planted a slight kiss on her forehead before picking her up, bridal style. 

She giggled "Ahh where are we going?" The blond boy looked into her eyes and smiled before responding. 

"It's a surprise.... Close your eyes'' He said while walking up stairs, which she knew led to the astronomy tower. 56 if you count the 3 separate ones at the top. 

"How sweet of you to bring me to the astronomy tower Dray'' The green eyed girl said before removing her hands. Draco still holding her, he asked. 

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