"Pocket Knife" Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

After rough hours of bullying and death looks. Tommy made his way back home and up the stairs to his room.

-Tommy POV-

I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at the pocket knife. A voice whispered in the back of my brain..

"do it."

"they won't care anyway..."

"it will take the pain away.."

"take that blade.. and cut.. do it! Do it.. DO it.. DO IT...!!"

"It.. would.. Cut the pain away..." I thought. I took the blade and flicked it open. I put the blade against my skin, digging it slowly into my lower arm.

The stinging sensation left me in awe, I pulled the blade back in shock. I smiled a little and dug deeper.

I did this for several minutes. Blood oozed from both my arms.. I blinked and looked down at them in slight shock.

"I didn't mean to do that many.." I thought, I stood up and went to my closet. I grabbed a shirt and wrapped it around my arms.

I looked at the blood soaked shirts around my arms. I sighed and went to my bed. Sitting there I thought about the memories my family have had together. All the horrific screams and snaps from Phil.

I looked at my arms and I didn't feel as bad anymore. I had been tormented all my life.. I had finally found a way to deal with my stress! Just cut it away..

I fell asleep a few hours later, and woke up to my dad screaming from downstairs.

"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!" The voice echoed in my head.. I didn't flinch or do anything. I just smiled.

He couldn't do anything to me anymore! I had a coping mechanism, I would be able to be free! Finally!! After years of waiting.. I finally figured it out!

I smiled and went downstairs, my book bag in hand. Full of completed work, and other items. I was met with a red faced Phil. His eyes full of a secret hatred.

"Wipe that ugly smile off of your face... Your wasting my time." Phil snarled.

"Then why call me..?" I lazily walked past, I smiled a little. I reached into the fridge, and grabbed a glass bottle of Coke.

I went to open it, but it was ripped from my hands, and in a flash of white I felt numb. My body went limp, hitting the floor with a deafening thud.

I sat up, my head spinning. I heard a familiar voice whispering to me softly.

"You're ok.. C'mon buddy.. You'll be alright.. Let me get you a towel.."

It was Wilbur.

He held me close, he had a damp, cold towel pressed against my forehead. I winced and my vision started to clear.

"W-Wilbur..?" I murmured softly.

Wilbur's head turned, our eyes met. He was crying, looking at me with terrified eyes.

"What happened?!" Wilbur said quickly.

"I- ... I fell." I said softly.

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