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Mono was a student of magic
In the village of Silverstone,

Monos family had some of the best wizards in town,
So everyone expected good things to come out of Mono as well.

But everyone was shocked when he chose the path of Witchcraft,

Witch's were known for chaos and for placing curses on people with dark magic,
So everyone all agreed that witch's were all evil,

Mono had said That he had no intention of using his powers for evil.

but The villagers didn't care and shunned Mono for this and he was kicked out of the Village,
His family were furious of the shame he brought upon them and allowed him to be exiled.

But even after all of this Mono could care less, if they were trying to keep him away from his goals then they could frick off as well as every other hater out their.

Once he was thrown out, Mono set his goal out in the magical forest which he could surly train his witchcraft in there.

After Six weeks in the forest, Mono had already made his first ever cabin with everything he needed to start his journey of being a warlock.

His main goal was to show the other wizards that Witchcraft isn't always evil,
But first he had find a good way to show them.

The silence and many herbs and flowers in the forest would surely help his training progress.

He just hopes that their are no distractions inside that forest...


"Great, I'm running out of that blue stuff again."
I sighed

"Now I need to go back out there."

That blue stuff had many uses and without it I wouldn't be able to make what I wanted.

So I grab my basket and rush outside

"I needed to get back before night.."

All I needed was like one blue flower thing,

How hard could that be to find?


*16 minutes later*

It's almost dark and I don't want to be out here when that happens.

"You know what? I'll just go back-"
I turn around to see a single blue flower that was emitting an blue glow with it

"Yes! That's exactly what I need!"
How convenient..
Doesn't matter, let's just get it and go.

I run over to the flower and quickly placed it in my basket

"Great, now i should get back home."

While walking away, i heard something growl at me,

I then started to run back home


I push open the door and slam it behind


"Never again.."

I picked up the blue flower
"You've better been worth all of that trouble."

I take a look out the windows which it was too dark to really see anything..

"I'm just going to sleep.."
This day has been too stressful

Perhaps a nice nap could fix it.

Tomorrow is just another day anyways..


What do you think so far?

Is this the hot spicy spice your looking for?

Or is it bland and boring inside your mouth right now?

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