Chapter 9: First Lesson and Rayleigh.

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A/N: First of all I am SO sorry this chapter took so long and I hope the length of the chapter makes up for it. Second, if I got the sword stances wrong I'm sorry I use Google to look up info and pics on fighting stances. Lastly, I completely made up the legends about Sea Devils and Mia Melinessia (except for Amphitrite, she's a Goddess of the sea in Greek mythology) so please don't get mad at me.

Early the next morning as his crew is loading supplies onto Red Force, Shanks is giving Devlin her first lesson on swordsmanship. They are in a small area near the docks that have been cleared of everything except for a steel pole that is as thick as Dev and taller than Shanks. One end of the pole has been planted near where Shanks is standing. Shanks and Dev are standing facing each other, Dev holding a shinai; or kendo stick; in her right hand and Shanks holding Gryphon, still sheathed, in his left. "Before we begin, Devi, there's somethin' important I want ye ta always remember...Swordplay that always harms whatever it touches is not real swordsmanship."

Dev looks at Shanks in confusion, "I don't understand. Aren't swords meant to be used as weapons to cut someone or something?"

"Not necessarily. It all depends on the hand that wields it." He pulls a sheet of paper out of his cloak and unsheathes his sword, "There are swordsmen out there capable o' cuttin' nothin'," he throws the paper into the air then slashes at it with Gryphon. To Devlin's absolute amazement the paper is unharmed by the sharp edge of the blade, even though it was a direct hit. "However, these same swordsmen can also cut anythin', includin' steel, usin' the same sword. Shanks slashes horizontally at the steel pole three times and the pole is cut into pieces. Dev's eyes are wide in surprise. "The strongest swordsmen are able ta protect that which they want ta protect, but also cut that which they want ta cut."

"WOOHOO! THAT WAS AWESOME! Will I be able to do that too?!" She shouts while jumping up and down in excitement.

"Dahahaha! Maybe someday, after years and years o' rigorous trainin'. Now, 'til yer more familiar with a sword, lass, ye will want ta wield yer sword with both hands. Just like this," he shows her the proper way to grip a sword with both hands.

Dev copies his hold as best as she can on her shinai. "Like this, Shanks?"

He walks over to her and slightly corrects her grip. "There ye go. Okay, now that ye got the grip down let's try a basic fendente or slash." He shows her how to properly swing a sword and she mimics him. After about 30 practice swings, her movements become smoother and quicker. "Very good, Luv! Ye seem ta have a natural talent fer swordplay." He moves to stand in front of her with six feet of space between them. "When yer facing another swordsman in a fight remember that ye need ta be aware o' yer surroundings at all times. From the ground; if it's uneven or not, if there's anything ye may trip over; ta yer opponent's body language includin' the height and weight difference between the two o' you." He raises Gryphon in a defensive position, "Now attack me, lass."

Dev's eyes widen, "Shanks...I can't attack you!"

Shanks sticks his tongue out at her, "Well, then it's goin' ta be impossible ta join my crew." Dev swallows but looks at Shanks with determination. She holds the sword just like Shanks showed her; gripping the hilt with both hands, her elbows slightly bent, and the hilt level with her waist. A smile spreads across his face when she takes the basic posture of chūdan no kamae. Shanks holds his sword in front of him in a defensive position. Dev swings her sword like Shanks taught her, but when her shinai makes contact with the blade of Gryphon it's like she has struck a brick wall and she's thrown off balance and falls backward onto her butt. Shanks laughs, "Ye didn't take inta account how much bigger than ye that I am did ye, lass?"

"No," Dev admits, blushing slightly.

Benn approached the two from the direction of Red Force, "The supplies are loaded and the ship is ready to set sail, Cap'n'."

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