All of them stared at me, unsure of what to do.

"If loving was a choice, how come I feel like I don't have a choice? How come I feel like no matter which direction I'd turn, I'd still end up looking for her. I'd still end up loving her?" I asked.

My tears fell. I was an emotional mess.

"It's so unfair! It's so unfair that life goes on and yet I am still stuck!"

I had reached the end of my rope. I had stayed strong, never letting my emotions get the best of me in front of the boys. I had tried so hard to keep a façade that even when I'm hurting inside, I was solid as a rock on the outside.

I have reached my limit. I was tired. I was tired of keeping up pretenses. I was tired of letting everyone know that I was okay without Gab.

I was not okay without her. I would never be okay without her.

Stell sighed. He got up from his seat and sat beside me. The rest followed. They crowded around me.

"We're sorry for being insensitive," Stell began.

"And we'll try to be more understanding," Justin added.

"You'll always have us, bro. We'll always be here for you," Ken said.

"Like it or not, you're stuck with us," Josh told me, patting me on my knee.

I wanted to be comforted. Even though I got angry at all of them awhile ago, they were right, I was stuck with them.

I wanted to say thank you, but my stomach would not allow me.

My stomach growled. My anal muscles constricted. My golly! Panira naman sa moment. Bat ngayon pa ako gustong tumae?

"I have to go to the bathroom," I declared.

I ran in record time, anxious to make it to the toilet bowl before everything else spilled. I quickly locked the bathroom door.

It was like an explosion down there. I tried to think back on what I ate for dinner. Dir I eat something bad?

I flushed the toilet and went out. I sat on the couch.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked.

I nodded.

Then I ran to the toilet again.

I sat on the toilet bowl for what felt like hours. My stomach was hurting like crazy. I would be dehydrated at this rate.

I groaned. My knees felt weak. The insides of my mouth felt like sandpaper. This has to stop now!

There was a knock on the bathroom door. A second later, a timid voice said, "Sejun?"

My ears tingled. What was Gab doing here?

I quickly finished my business and opened the door. She was standing in front of me with a brown bag on her hand.

"I heard you need hydration. You do look dehydrated," she stated.

"Why are you here?" I asked her warily.

"Justin called," she simply said. She grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom.

I let her.

She made me sit on my bed then she began laying out the contents of her brown bag. I eyed them. There was an IV bottle, IV cannulas, a plaster.

Then it hit me. She was going to hook me on IV fluids.

"You're not serious. You're going to insert an IV on me? Here? In the comfort of my home?" I asked her.

Shatterproof | SB19 Sejun [SB19 Series #2]Where stories live. Discover now