The Bird in the Trees

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Are you familiar with Teyvat's landscape? Quick refresher, it is a vast landscape in which harbors life from all walks. There are the wildlife, albeit, some beautiful and some horrible, who fills in the space between the trees and rivers in which manmade properties aren't placed. Beyond that, are the cities and roads that have been built overtime for the use of travel, which only benefits humans, and those alike. There are various cities, such as those named Mondstat, Liyue, and Schneznaya to name a few. Within those cities, and general area, are mafias that control the area.

Each mafia has their own definition of what's right, each mafia has their own definition as to what's considered diplomatic. As such, there comes tension and the reason for these splits in the first place. This reach in ideas is what makes mafias so strong, as they generally have the support of the public in these ideals. Think of it as a giant political party. These mafias are very public, there is only so much law enforcement could do to cull back mafia actions when the general public gives it so much assistance.

A perfect example of this can be the situation in Mondstat.

Mondstat has virtually no law enforcement, as the mafia there, The Knights of Favonious, pretty much is the law. The church used to run things, but have been overruled by the mafia as it were. It got to the point where the church had no choice but to accept this fact, and now is in cahoots with the mafia. In their best interest, it would be better to unite the city, and not divide it if you want to avoid bloodshed.

Let's focus on this tavern, a tavern called the Dawn Winery. A quaint little tavern in Mondstat overseen by Diluc Ragnvindr, who also has high respect in Mondstat, seen by equally high disrespect as well. Within it currently is the man himself, a notable bard, and the other lovely patrons who come regularly.

"Another one for the bard!" the bard cries out, raising his wooden mug eagerly. Although slightly tipsy, he is still very much sober--this being almost his 12th fill.

"For such a small figure, you do sure hold your alcohol well, Venti" Diluc says, getting ready to pour him another, "I also assume as well you have no means of paying for any of this, right?"

"Ah, you know me so well. I play regularly for the drunkards here, surely that should be enough as a form of payment?" the bard, known as venti replies, "though, it does seem you don't know me well enough to know that you should never underestimate a bard's ability."

"There are many bards that wish to play for me. The thing that makes you abnormal is your unique circumstances. You've surely been blessed with many gifts." Diluc finishes, giving Venti his newly dandelion wine filled mug.

Venti takes a gulp before responding, "ah, my gifts. They are both a blessing and a curse I suppose. My entire existence could be a nice melody and lesson one day." he says before taking another sip.

"Anything notable, master Diluc? You place yourself around Mondstat more often than I do. I tend to avoid the open city unless I am in the mood for a song."

"Hm, well, as someone who also adopts my own principles, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell." Diluc starts, "Through eavesdropping, although not on purpose, I've heard that there may potentially be a watcher lurking outside The Knight's territory, and Mondstat's boundaries in general."

"I haven't checked it out myself, having not the time, but maybe you could in my absence and check it out for me? It seems The Knights don't have any intention right now to investigate the matter themselves. Though, Mondstat folk tend to not fold to gossip as they do in Liyue." Diluc finishes.

"I do look into things on my own, but as a charitable bard, I do not mind." Venti says, taking another swig.

Venti and Diluc, although not a part of The Knights of Favonious, still do care about Mondstat. Both in the eyes of the public come from different origins but generally, the same reputation. Diluc is seen as a fallen hero, and although he moves for mondstat, he still garners the disrespect of those who feel betrayed by his leaving of The Knights. Venti is entirely different, as his disrespect comes from societal disrespect. He, being an omega, has more power than  every alpha situated in Mondstat. His existence is directly conflicting as to what's seen as an omegas role in a society. Though, he still has respect for his dedication to Mondstat, both in the past and the present. In this regard, they are almost in the same situation, and because of this, they both have a mutual respect for one another.

Mafias and Cartels (Genshin Impact Mafia/Omegaverse fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora