{#3} Candy Sweethearts {Setolox}

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This is my special Valentine's Day one-shot. I ws thinking of writing one anyway, but I was asked to update, which made me push a little harder. Who cares if it's technically not the day anymore lol.

“Text me,” Seto said, reading aloud another one of the super cheesy sweethearts he and Ty had purchased earlier in the day. Seto simply nodded, pulling out his phone, earning a wary look from Ty.

“Are you actually going-” Ty started, but was abruptly cut off by the text-tone of his phone. He rolled his eyes, taking out his own device to read the message. “Look up?” He looked up. Seto was grinning with another small candy, forcefully placing it into Ty’s palm.

“Best one right there.” Seto said sarcastically, giggling.

Ty rolled his eyes again. “Sweet love.” Ty looked up at Seto, who wriggled his eyebrows, which sent them both into a fit of laughter. “These are so stupid, yet so great at the same time.” Seto nodded, his smile widening. Ty handed Seto another blue one.

“Marry me. Aw how cute, Ty.” Ty grinned, shaking his head, taking the one Seto was handing him. “Puppy love!” Seto said, making a puppy dog face. Ty kissed his nose, resulting in Seto giving him an actual kiss. Ty handed Seto another heart.

“The same one, Ty?”

“Must have been a coincidence… It’s not like I’m looking…”Ty says, brushing it off, but his grin was growing wider.

“Okay… Whatever you say Ty!” Seto giggled once more. “Have we got any plans for later? Or are we just cuddling and watching movies?”

“Oh… I dunnooo… I guess you’ll have to find out~” Ty says, leaning closer to Seto kissing him on the cheek, getting him to blush. Then, he handed him another heart. Seto glances down at the heart.

“It’s… Still the same one…” Seto looked back up at Ty. “You are just trying to confuse me, huh?”

“Still. You’ll have to find out, yeah?” Ty let out a laugh, and Seto rolled his eyes.

“You should be glad I love you, otherwise I’d have hit you.” Seto turned to fully face Ty. “Never mind, I’m going to do it anyway!” Seto says, whacking Ty on the backside of his head.

“Ow! Hey! Okay… But really.” Ty picked up another heart, handing it to Seto.

“Ty…” Seto questioned, Ty moved from where he was on the couch down to the floor. He put a hand over Seto’s eyes.

“Okay. Seto, when I take my hands off your eyes, I want you to read the heart. No looking anywhere else. Got it?”

“I got it.” Ty took his hand off Seto’s eyes, so he could read the heart. It said again in the light pink lettering, “marry me”. He looked at Ty, who had moved to be on one knee with a small box in his palm.

“So… As the heart says. Marry me?”

“Ty! You did not! Of course!” Seto says, laughing with excitement as Ty takes the ring out of the box to put it on Seto’s finger. “Way to make it even more cheesy than it already was.”

“Oh shut it you. Stop trying to act like you don’t love it!” Ty says, pulling Seto down from his higher position up on the couch, kissing him.

“You’re right, I do.” Seto laughed. “I love you, Ty. And thank you.”


I know it's really late. Really short. There'll probably be another one-shot later or tomorrow!

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