the phone call-Chapter 7

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to break the silence I had asked her if she wanted to go

"so Y\N he ready to go"

"Ya where we going first"

" to the cafe it's right around the corner we can just walk there"

"ok also I just want to say thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this you really didn't need to"

" no trust me I would have felt bad if I never did"

" well thanks anyways"

" anytime"

we walked and talked and tried to get to know each other better as we made our way to the cafe

" we are here"

" oh my God this is beautiful"

(the Cafe)

" I know I come here all the time the food and drinks they serve are the best"

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" I know I come here all the time the food and drinks they serve are the best"

" well I've never tried it out so let's go inside and get something and I'll be the the judge for that"

"okay trust me you're going to love it"

" whatever you say partridge"

we went inside and we ordered a few things we both ordered some tea and pastries

" oh my God this is so good you weren't lying partridge"

" see I told you"

" so Partridge why don't you tell me a bit more about yourself"

" oh there's an important thing I kind of forgot to tell you I'm an actor and I've been in a few films before mainly as background work but I had one main part isn't this show called Medici"

" why wouldn't you tell me before that's so cool that explains why you have so many Instagram followers"

" well I didn't want to tell you that I didn't want you to think of me as some famous person even though I'm really not I've only been in a few things and I'm not that famous I really never get recognized"

" well Partridge any new things coming up"

" well not really a kind of been waiting to get a call back from somebody but I don't know haven't got the call yet"

" well I hope you do"

" thanks"

after Y\N said that my phone started to ring so I left the cafe to answer 

" hello who is this"

" this is the team from Enola Holmes we'd like to call and congratulate you and tell you that you got the part for Tewksbury"

" really no way"

" yes you sure did we will call you or message you or email you to fill you in with details and we're going to do a group read soon"

" okay thank you so much for calling"

" okay bye now"

" Bye"

as I heard this news I ran into the cafe and screamed Y\Ns name 

" Louis what's wrong"

" we need to leave right now"

" why what's wrong can you please tell me"

" yeah I'll tell you when we leave"


after that we had just left the cafe and we were walking back

" I just got a call I got the part for Tewksbury in Enola Holmes that's the new movie I'm going to be in I have to go home to tell my family"

" oh my God no way congratulations well I guess I'll be heading home"

" No why don't you come  you can meet my sisters and some of my family members it will be fun"

" you didn't tell me you had sisters"

" well you know now come on we got to go"

me and Y\N rushed all the way to my house

AUTHORS NOTE: thank you so much for 1.4 K reads I literally can't believe this I'm so happy to hear all your feedback on the book I hope you like this chapter thank you so much for all of the Reeds and everything ♡


how we met- LOUIS PARTRIDGEWhere stories live. Discover now