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"Louis, no."

Grinning, Louis spun around to Harry, holding up three ready meals. "Louis, yes."

Harry shook his head. "That's disgusting. The lasagna is all soggy."

"Who cares?" Louis threw all three boxes into the cart. "I'm hungry."

"I'll make you proper lasagna when we get home."

"And when will we eat? Midnight?" Louis proceeded on down the aisle. "I'll be starved until then."

Harry caught up, reaching into the cart to put the ready meals back onto the shelf. "I'll make you something."

Pouting, Louis watched him. "Can we stop by McD's on our way home?"

"Lou." Harry crowded his space, putting his hands on Louis' hips and pulling him close. A safe bet to get Louis' full attention. "Let me cook for you."

Louis stared up at Harry's face, blinking slowly. His lips parted slightly and a quiet sigh escaped. "You don't have to."

Humming, Harry leaned in to capture Louis' lips in a kiss. They easily opened up for him and Louis tilted his head back, bringing his hands up to Harry's face.

There was something soothing, warm, just so normal about standing in the ready meal isle in a Waitrose, kissing each other. Harry pulled Louis a little closer and kissed his forehead.

"I missed you."

Louis hummed quietly, leaving his arms around Harry's neck. "It's been a busy week."

"Maybe we can get takeout," Harry amended his earlier statement. "The sooner we eat, the sooner we'll get into bed."

"Bed," Louis sighed. "Sounds perfect."

Harry let go of Louis, pushing the cart along. "I'll make you breakfast in the morning."

"It's okay, baby." Louis grabbed another ready meal and Harry decided it wasn't worth arguing about. "You're cooking all day. We can have toast for breakfast."

"Technically, I'm not." Harry threw a box of pasta into the cart. "I'm picking out colours and furniture and argue about fonts with Liam."

Louis crossed his arms. "Don't let Liam win. You're picking the fonts."

Laughing, Harry pushed the cart into the next isle. "I just want it to fit the name."

"Do I get a word in that?" Louis asked. "We could team up against Liam."

They were a good team. So good that after two years of being a couple, Louis had taken a step that had committed them to each other much more than marriage.

Louis had invested in Harry's business.

A year ago, Harry and Liam had come up with the idea to open a restaurant. A place that combined Liam's interior design skills and Harry's cooking to create a new concept of a restaurant. Modern, fresh, a little quirky -- everything that represented Harry.

Harry had been against the idea of Louis investing, but Louis hadn't listened to him, and Liam had argued against Harry, too. In the end, Louis had got his way and Harry had learned that Louis didn't expect anything in return. There hadn't been any second thoughts, or conditions. Louis had simply proven once more that he thought the world of Harry and that he trusted Harry unconditionally.

"I believe in what you're doing," Louis had declared back then. "I know that your plan will work out, and even if it won't. I won't regret this, Harry. You deserve the chance."

In between moving in together at the beginning of the year, Louis being promoted at work and Harry opening his restaurant, their time together had become sparse over the past few months. Harry couldn't even remember when they had last managed to spend a weekend together.

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