"Everyone looks better in a tailored suit." Harry glanced at Louis again, finding him stood at the bar, waiting for his drink. "He can pull off both."

Zayn laughed dryly. "Keep telling yourself that."

When Louis came back, he had already gulped down half of the drink he had just ordered. He sat down next to Harry, placing his glass on the table. "Nice of you to come support Niall."

"Of course," Harry replied. "I had the night off anyway."

Zayn shot him one of the looks, obviously suppressing a snarky comment. Harry had practically begged Magnus to change shifts with him. He hadn't even known if Louis was going to show up, but he'd hoped. Apparently, that had been enough because Louis was here now and Harry got the chance to find out what it was behind that magica pull towards Louis.

If there was more to it.

"I assume Harry brought you along?" Louis asked Zayn. He hadn't even looked at Harry.

"He did," Zayn replied. "Harry says he's got talent."

"He does." Louis smiled. "You won't be disappointed."

Zayn nodded briefly. "Are you doing music, too?"

Laughing, Louis leaned back a little and Harry watched his profile, the crinkles around his eyes. "No, definitely not. I only sing in the shower."

"Fair enough." Zayn crossed his arms on the tabletop. "And what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a lawyer." Louis shrugged. "Not very fancy."

"Well, fancier than what I do, I guess." Zayn looked at Harry when Louis turned his head to the stage. "Why am I doing all the talking?" he mouthed.

Harry couldn't do more than give a helpless shrug.

"You're doing something beside the waiter job at Pierre's?" Louis asked, looking back at Zayn.

Zayn looked genuinely surprised. "You remember me?"

"And I'm sure you remember me." Louis lowered his head bashfully. "Guess you don't have scenes like that every day at a restaurant like that."

"True." Zayn was quiet for a moment. "That bloke acted like a prick."

Louis and Zayn shared a small smile, like an intimate moment between them. Harry was confused by the heavy feeling in his chest; this pull at his heartstrings that suspiciously felt like jealousy.

"You're better off without him," he said quietly, trying to get Louis' attention.

It worked, but the way Louis looked at him when he turned his face to Harry gave away that he had obviously forgotten about Harry's presence altogether. "Um, yeah. I guess."

At that moment, a sound from the small stage made Louis and Zayn turn their heads. Niall came on stage and Harry forced himself to tear his eyes from Louis and focus on him.

Niall introduced himself, made a few jokes and then started to sing. Louis seemed to enjoy it, singing along to most songs, which told Harry that it wasn't the first time he'd come to one of Niall's gigs.

"You go to to all of Niall's gigs?" he asked, leaning close to Louis.

He could feel the hesitation, could sense Louis pulling back slightly, his fingers curling into fists on his thighs. "Yeah, whenever I can."

Harry hummed, bringing his lips closer to Louis' ear to make himself heard. "How did you meet?"

Louis turned his head, facing Harry and suddenly they were really close. Louis kept his eyes on Harry's, and Harry had to force himself to not let his gaze flicker to Louis' lips. He didn't know what it was that made him feel this ridiculous attraction to Louis, this inevitable pull.

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