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Chimon Adultkittiporn is the son of Off and Gun. He is also a hard-working student. He loves sweets, though.

(Main Character)


Gun Attaphan Adultkittiporn is the wife or husband of Off Jumpol. He loves his Husband so much. He is the father of Chimon.


Off Jumpol Adultkittiporn, He is the Husband of Gun Attaphan. He is so very sweet and very careful with their family. He is the Father of Chimon.


The Adultkittiporn Family is living a simple life, and they love their little angel so much because they only have Chimon. They adopt Chimon when he is a child and raise him like their own son.


Nanon Korapat Kirdpan is known as the "Bully/Boss" in their school. He is rich and can get what he wants. He is the son of Tay and New.

(Main Character)


Newwie Thitiphoom is the wife or husband of Tay Tawan. He is the owner of one of the biggest hospitals in Thailand. He is very strict, like a mother, with his sons. He is the father of Pluem,Frank, and Nanon.


Tay Tawan is the Husband of Newwie. He's the business manager of their own company. Unlike Newwie, who is a strict parent,he is very childish but sweet as a husband to their family. He is not strict like Newwie; he knows that his sons know their limits.


Pluem Purim Vihokratana is the oldest son of Tay Tawan Vihokratana, The one who's very responsible and respectful of his siblings. He is also the father of the two if their parents aren't home.


Frank Thattsaran Vihokratana is the middle son of Tay and New, and He is the representative of their school as a leader. As a middle son, He tends to work alone because, as a child, he learned how to be independent.


The Vihokratana is a simple yet super rich family. They own the biggest hospital in Thailand and are the owners of the most famous company. On the other side, the Vihokratana family is very humble, and they are helping so many charities in Thailand.


I'll introduce some characters on the chapter that their have their own POV.


Stay tune!! I'll update the story every 2 or 3 days based on my schedule hihi...

Iloveyou all,Stay safe, GodBless

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