Chapter Two: Live the Life You Deserve

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Ransom looked at his attorney quietly, like a small child waiting to be able to eat. Awaiting the rules that he will have to follow to be able to be somewhat free, to have his life back. To get out of this dump of a place.

"Well, the first condition, as they call it, is that you get a job, or at least a hobby, instead of just sitting around or blowing any money that you have on alcohol or the country club that we all know that you liked to go to..." His attorney looks at him, a little nervous about how Ransom will react to the demands that the judge has proposed that he should follow after his release.

"A job? Who would hire a criminal?" He asks a little confused before looking up from his hands back at his attorney. He chews lightly as Frank? Was that his name? No, it wasn't, Ransom couldn't remember... no, it was something beginning with P? Paul, that's it! His attorney pulls out a flyer for a job but what catches Ransom's eye more is the company name. Blood Like Wine. He can't help himself when he snatches the flyer, his nostrils flaring angrily.

Paul takes a nervous breath at the sight of Ransom's reaction. "You have got to be joking? The owner is the girl I nearly "stabbed"' Ransom says bitterly and scoffs softly, rolling his eyes at the piece of paper, before sitting back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh I know, but she specifically asked for you..." Paul says which makes Ransom raise his eyebrows at him. "She wants you to run the place Mr Drysdale...follow in your grandfather's footsteps..."

Ransom shakes his head a little, in shock that Marta Cabrera wanted him to take the lead at his deceased grandfathers publishing company. The very company that Harlan didn't want going to any of the family. But why Ransom? Why couldn't she just give it back to Walt? He was the one who had been working there for years. He leans forward to lean his arms on the table between him and the middle-aged man in the cheap suit, running his hands over his face, sighing a little before he nods, eventually looking Paul in the eye.

"I'll do it..."


Once Paul communicated with the judge that Ransom would follow the conditions for his release and try not to go back to the way he lived before his arrest, being released happened a lot quicker than Ransom expected. By the end of the following week he was carrying the small box of his belongings out of his cell, towards his freedom. He clutched the box a little tighter as he walked past a cell where the inmates were shouting at each other, sounds of crashing of furniture came after.

"Drysdale..." The warden said, looking at the release papers before looking up at Ransom, inspecting him a little even though that Ransom was no longer any of his concern.

"Warden..." Ransom says and nods lightly, setting his box down on the desk between him and the office, glancing round as he reaches to sign his release papers.

"I don't want to see you back here any time soon son, you are better than this place..." He says with genuine care for the first time since Ransom was incarcerated. It shocked Ransom and overwhelmed him a little as his own father never gave him such concern that he received in that one sentence from the warden of the fucking prison.

"Oh, don't you worry, I wouldn't dream of it..." Ransom tries to joke, his smirk faltering a little before he picked up his box and followed the warden to the gates to his freedom. The warden turns to Ransom as he unlocks the gates with his pass, tilting his hat to the guards stood either side of the gate as Ransom keeps his eyes down, only looking up when the elderly man patted his shoulder.

"You're free Ransom, now live the life you deserve, not the one your parents forced you into..." He says, giving Ransom some advice that would be kept close to his heart.

"Thank you sir..." Ransom says before spotting Paul by Ransom's Beamer. The sight of his beloved car makes his eyes widen and he walks over quickly, setting the box of his belongings down and he looks at the car. "How? What? My car..." He says a little shocked, looking at Paul as he holds the keys out to Ransom.

"You have a guardian angel out there, because the car and house... they are still yours" Paul explains and Ransom can't help but look utterly bewildered with the thought that someone had kept the car safe and also kept up with the payments on his house. "Also..." Paul says before reaching into his pocket, pulling Ransom's fully charged phone out of his jacket pocket, pressing it into Ransom's hand. "Take care Ransom, my bill will be in the post..."

Ransom looks up from his phone, looking at the standard phone background he never changed and up to the retreating figure of his attorney. He unlocked his phone before finding that one contact he never thought he would need. Marta. Typing a quick message to her. Whatever you have done. Thank you.

Quickly getting into the driver's seat of his Beamer, glancing at the box on the passenger seat he ignites the car quickly, a smile gracing his lips as he gets used to driving again. The car's tank was full to the brim and was in perfect working order still, what Ransom loved, he drove the route home, for once opting to have the radio on, listening to whatever crap they played. He was still in a little bit of shock that he was here, back in Boston and not in the Massachusetts prison like last night.

As he pulled up at his house, his phone buzzed. A reply from Marta. You're welcome, you're still an asshole though. See you on Monday. He read the text and couldn't help chuckle to himself, he completely understood why she called him an asshole and didn't have the slightest doubt that she may never truly forgive him, but giving him the job at Blood Like Wine, he will take that as a start.


The house was a lot bigger than what he remember, and too open now for his liking, but at least it wasn't a tiny shared prison cell. Ransom set the box he brought in from his car on the coffee table before looking round slowly, remembering the life that he had to leave behind, cringing at some of his memories before noticing a note on the kitchen work surface. Your fridge and cupboards are all stocked up, someone had to do it for you. - Marta.

He held the note for a moment, before having to perch himself on a kitchen stool, overwhelmed that even though he nearly killed her (if it hadn't have been for the stage prop knife) that Marta was still providing him with her help. He nearly killed the girl and she had a heart of gold towards him.

He finally regains his posture before shrugging off his suit jacket that they kept for him and he changed into before being released, laying it over the back of the couch and toeing his shoes off, leaving them where he took them off before heading upstairs for a well needed shower. The hot water will probably help. Help clear his head and calm him down.

Time to get your act together Ransom, prove yourself that you are better than that family. He can't help think to himself as he turns the water on in his bathroom, letting the heat engulf him when he steps in, like a hug he has never had before holding him in their embrace, willing him to be a better person and know that he can change for the better.


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