Chapter Four: You Really Are A Good Guy

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Ransom stared up at you shocked. You were absolutely beautiful. He had never seen someone as beautiful as you before. And believe him, when he has slept with many women, but he never really took in their beauty, just someone to sleep with to show off his wealth and playboy ways.

You can't help but blush as you sit down, noticing that Ransom hadn't taken his eyes off of you ever since he looked up when you asked if you could sit at the table with him.

Ransom suddenly looks away when he sees you blush, feeling bad that he was staring at you. He stares at a spot on the table, picking at the vinyl quietly as you settle on the seat opposite him, looking at the menu quietly.

"I'm (Y/N)..." You say and look at the handsome man in front of you. You bite your lip as you can't help but take in his looks. He was more handsome than anyone you had ever met. This made your heart sink a little and a numb feeling start to muster in your stomach, he couldn't be single looking as handsome as he does.

"Ransom..." He says and smiles politely at you. You can't help but smile back at the man in front of you.

"Are you new around here? I haven't seen you around before..." You say and bites your lip as Roy brings Ransom's coffee over, setting it down. "Could I have a tuna melt panini and large Americano please?" You ask him before he walks away to serve other customers. Roy smiles at you politely and nods, noting your order down as he walks over to the table of rowdy boys in the corner.

Ransom waits till Roy is out of earshot before he leans forward towards you.

"I lived round this neighbourhood before..." He says, trying to be his usual confident self again.

You bite your lip and nods a little, looking at him curiously. "Before?"

He look down at his coffee cup, staring at the molten brown liquid emanating steam. He felt awfully nervous for some reason. He doesn't even know you, but he felt the need to be truthful with you, the only other person besides his grandfather. His dead grandfather. "I have been in prison, for two years, for something really terrible, I was released just under a week ago because I was showing signs of good behaviour..."

Your breath gets caught in your throat as you watch him, so he had a mysterious side? It made him even more intriguing, especially knowing the fact he possible couldn't have a girlfriend if he had been in prison for the last two years, could he?

"W-why were you in prison?" You ask and he looks up at you in shock, more in shock because you wasn't running at the news of him being in prison. You didn't see him as a monster, yet. Maybe as a young man who has been waylaid in life, made some wrong decisions on the way.

You notice that he takes a deep breath before he answers your question, his nerves radiating from him as he believes that his answer will make you run 100 miles to get away from him. "I uh, I tried framing my grandfather's nurse for his death as I was written out of his will..." Ransom admits, staring down at his coffee, not wanting to look at your reaction as he knows that it should be hateful.

You stare at him in shock, breathing out slowly as you sit back in your seat. "" You mumble before shaking your head and watching him. "I can definitely see that you aren't that person anymore though Ransom..."

Your response to him admitting why he was in prison made his head shoot up so fast that you thought he was going to give himself whiplash, or worse, break his neck. "You can?"

"Yeah, I mean, you radiate the remorse of your actions and that you regret what you did..." You say before leaning forward, leaning your arms on the table before smiling at Ransom softly, it seems like he needed a friend. "Plus, I don't scare easily..."

Your comment makes Ransom smirk as Roy brings over your drink and both your food orders. "Enjoy you two..." He says as you both thank him. Ransom in a little shock at how nice he is being in your presence, never doing this before, even with his own family.

Even though it wasn't a date, it sure felt like it and Ransom had never felt this content with a girl that he wasn't looking to have sex with her on the first meeting. Maybe, you could be his saviour and help him change his ways.


You had never laughed and smiled so much with a guy before, but Ransom was good company that you felt a little sad when he got his wallet out to pay. What you hadn't realised that hours had passed since entering the diner, Ransom being such good company that you hadn't realised the hours that had passed and your eyes widened a little at your watch saying it was 9:46pm.

"Oh wow, it's getting late, I should get home..." You say and grab your purse out your bag to pay for your food and drink.

Ransom looks over at you before frowning a little "Let me..." You hear him say and goes to pay Roy for both of your dinners. You can't help but blush as you watch him, no one had offered to do that for you before. Ransom was different, mysterious, as you could tell that he was hiding a lot more than he let on, but you were willing to take that on. Hopefully he would want to meet up again, unless he was putting on an act tonight?

You slowly stand up as you pull on your coat, shouldering your bag as Ransom walks back over, picking up his coat from the chair next to his, pulling it on as you both walk towards the door. He holds the door open for you as he pulls his car keys out of his pocket, waiting for you to pull yours out, frowning when you don't.

"Not driving?" He asks a little worried, his brows pulling together as he watches you shake your head, a smile on your lips.

"Can't drive, I am still learning, plus I only live round the corner." You say and points over your shoulder.

Ransom shakes his head, it was already dark and he knew he would feel terrible if he just let you walk home in the dark, knowing something could happen.

"Let me drive you" Ransom offers and your eyes widen in shock. The worry on his face made it an offer your couldn't refuse so you follow him to his Beamer and climbs into the passenger seat, the engine coming to life as he turns the key in the ignition.

Ransom drives carefully to your apartment block, parking in an available spot on the road, turning the engine off before he looks at you.

The intensity of his stare made you blush before you look back at him. "I didn't expect tonight go the way it did, but maybe we could meet up again sometime?" You offer, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth nervously.

Ransom's smile brightens the car up, even in the darkness as he reaches for him phone, to get your number. "I would love too..." He says and passes his phone to you so you enter your number. After doing so you hand it back to Ransom so he can text you his number.

You lean over and kiss his cheek, his cheeks reddening as you pull away. "See you later Ransom" You say before climbing out and walking into your apartment building.

Ransom can't help but watch you walk in, sighing when you are out of view and leaning his head back against the head rest. For the first time in his life Hugh Ransom Drysdale was whipped. He definitely was in love with you.

"Time to not screw it up..." He mumbles to himself as he starts his Beamer back up to drive him, his thoughts on you as you are now stuck in his head.

His phone pinging as he is getting into bed once he is home. A text from you.

"Goodnight Ransom, you are a really good guy x"


We All Deserve a Second Chance - Ransom Drysdale x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu