chapter 2

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Win was unable to process everything happening right now. His parents left him alone years ago when he was 6 he grew up in an orphanage. He just have pictures of his parents with him. His mom came and kissed him on his cheek.
"You are up honey let's go have breakfast " she said in a very soothing voice.
Win was numb he didn't knew how to react. He was happy with so many questions. He sat in front of his mom she served him his breakfast. Win broke into tears because of all the emotions he felt. His mom tried to calm him down but he kept crying . He hugged his mom tightly and cried even louder. He missed her. His mom got very worried.
"Are you alright Win??  Tell me baby!! Are you hurt?? "
The woman who was cooking in the kitchen came too. She looked at him worried. She tried to calm him down.
"win,  honey what happened??  Did bright say you anything?? Tell mom honey I will beat the heck out him?? "
Win finally calmed down. He looked at his mom and smiled and said
"I missed you mom "
His mom smiled and hugged him tightly. Then finally back to his senses he realized the other woman called herself his mom too. He was confused and who was Bright??
He started eating my breakfast. When we heard someone entering the room. It was a man an handsome man who just came back from a jog. He was soaked in sweat. This is when he heard my another "mom " screaming at him.
"You left him alone. He got scared and cried. How can you leave your husband alone in bed on the very next day of your wedding??"
"mom I just went for jog. He knows where I am...  He is just being a drama queen "
What did he just call me?? Maybe yeah I caused a drama in the morning but I am not a drama queen.

Waiiittt he is my husband the another woman is my mother in law. It's too much happening right now.  My head started to spin and soon darkness engulfed me. When I woke up I was back in my room. The book was kept next to me on my nightstand. It's still early in the morning. So it was all just a dream.

Win was somehow dissapointed and sad but the reality is that his parents won't come back to take him. He doesn't have any husband or any family . He was all alone in his apartment. He got ready for school and had his breakfast and went to school. He took his book with him. The school started he distributed the marked answer sheets and started the lessons. He saw some of them at last benches were playing on their mobile phone. Some took notes and some just looked out of the window.  He soon finished the class and gave them their homework. Today he didn't waste his energy to tell them to concentrate and study. He was tired because of the dream he had. He dismissed the class early. Everyone was happy and left only one student left she sat on the last bench with her book.
"Lizzie you know you can also go enjoy with them??"  he asked with concern in his voice
"Nah I am happy here and what about you? Are you alright?? " she replied
"Yeah just tired."
Win sat on his desk and started reading he still had an hour for his next class. He rested his head on the desk to relax and soon fell asleep. When he woke up he had very bad headache. He woke and saw Lizzie crying by her side and all the kids standing around him.
"What happened here?? "He asked everyone..
"You fainted Mr win. We had to carry you here to nurse's office. You scared us." Lizzie replied.
"sorry everyone. " he said to his students.
They all went back to their classes except Lizzie. She sat their till he felt better. Nurse told him that he had very high fever so he fainted. She gave him some medicine to bring his fever down. He left the school when he felt little better. He went back home and directly went to bed..
But this time when he woke up he was in same room he dreamt about. He woke up and went out. Even if just in a dream he wanted his family. He saw his mom in kitchen he went and hugged her tight. She looked worried .
"Winnie thank God you woke up. Don't stress too much baby it's not good for your health."she said she with concern
"Hmm don't worry mom I will" he said.
" Mom I can't remember anything happening here? Fill me up with details. How long I have been asleep and everything ?"he asked
"Winnie nothing much is happening. Bright cancelled your honeymoon because you were not well and you were asleep for last 8 hours " she said carefully trying not to stress him out anymore.
Win decided to live this dream to fullest. It had everything he wants a family, his parents and maybe love if his life.

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