Knowing a Clan Name

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So, the title might not make sense right now but, it will.

So, on friday, Febuary 13, the person who is kind of the JOM director in our school distrct came and talked to us about the Cherokee tribe. I knew quiet a bit because, soon there will be a Cherokee Bowl, that focuses on the things that has happened in the past with Cherokees. There was a language bowl and I done that. So, I knew a little but already. For example some of the clan names.

We started talking about the clans and were starting to name them. In total there are seven clains and we got most of them except one. First she gave the hint "It's name is made fun of alot." Nobody got it so then she wrote "wild" on the board and I yelled out "WILD POTATO!" Which was correct and I saw our history teacher and another girl who has done the Cherokee Bowl before basically be all like oh yeah.

I also learned that Native Americans were in America before the Ice Age that created the land bridge happen.

She said that we were here before the Ice Age happend and a boy from my band class said we were always taught that the native americans came over on the ice bridge. She asked if the new information debunked that theory and I raised my hand stating that it was false that native americans came over on the land bridge since native americans were here before the Ice Age that created it.

Also, before that I answered that native americans were here before the birth of christ because I didn't know how else to word it and I didn't have an exact number of years.

I also answered that the reason she didn't mention Christopher Columbus was becasue he was more south ward than where the Cherokees were at.

At the end of class she thanked me for knowing so much. When in reality I just remember key points.

I am sorry if this sounded like I was bragging. I just thought I would share something funny with you guys and teach you guys a few things.

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