2.The 60s

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Vada got changed into a pretty polkadot dress and styled her bombshell hair with a headband before adding makeup, heels and elegantly dancing downstairs. She grabbed her purse and headed next door to be greeted by Vision. "What in God's name are you wearing Vis?" Vada gasped and looked him up and down. Vision wore a top hat, suit and a cheesy grin, "I'm a magician" Vision chuckled, "No, I wouldn't title you that... You're just a tad bit strange" Vada grimaced and Vision rolled his eyes.

"Vada, come sit, and watch us practise our act!" Vision cherped and sat Vada down on the armchair. "Oh, for the talent show!" Vada remembered with a grin. "Ladies and gentlemen, for my final trick, I bring you...The Cabinet of Mysteries!" Vision grandly introduced and flicked his wand. Nothing happened.

"Darling that's your cue" Vision sighed and put his hands on his hips, "Did you say cabinet of mysterious?" Wanda asked from down the hallway, "I said, the cabinet of mysteries!" Vision repeated, "Oh that's my cue" Wanda giggled and pushed forward a large cabinet. Vada quickly and excitedly clapped her hands together. "Holy Toledo! Darling, do all the other acts in the talent show have such elaborate props?" Vision worried.

"Are you kidding? Fred and Linda are building a moat and a fully functional portcullis and nobody even knows why! Let's keep going" Wanda exclaimed as she walked into view from behind the cabinet. "Oh yes, where was I?" Vision recalled.

"Watch closely as I, Illusion, Master of Enigma, make my captivating assistant, Glamour, dissappear!" Vision announced and Wanda opened the cabinet. "You really are very dashing" Wanda admired, "Thank you, darling" Vision replied in a rusky voice. "Fear not Glamour, for I, Illusion, vow to bring you back as you are" Vision exclaimed and closed the cabinet, "Could you maybe bring her back holding two bottles of champagne? That would be magical!" Vada asked and Vision shook his head and tried not to laugh.

"Abracadabra!" Vision cast and hit the cabinet with his wand. He opened up the box again, "Ta-ta!!" He sang once he revealed an empty cabinet and Vada gasped. Wanda pushed through from the secret compartment in the cabinet and clapped her hands excitedly. "Wait what" Vada's face dropped, "It's not really magic?" She pouted in disbelief. "Uhh, no Vay, it's just a trick, it's not real magic" Vision let down, "Oh" Vada sighed, "Aw Vis! I feel like you just told a child Santa doesn't exist!" Wanda frowned and walked over to hug Vada, "Santa doesn't exist?" She gasped and Wanda frowned at Vision.

"Vades, you're twenty five, I thought you knew this by now" Vision huffed, "Hey! Vis! Of course Santa exists, it was just an example" Wanda snapped her fingers and lied then patted Vada's head and frowned at Vision. "Wanda, don't you think...Other, people will see through this little charade?" Vision queried, cancelling out Vada. "Well that's the whole point, in a real magic act, everything is fake" Wanda pointed out and looked at Vada who sat with an expression of disbelief.

"Darling. The talent show fundraiser is the most important event of the season and its our neighbourly duty to participate" Wanda explained to Vision, "Plus it's our chance to appear as normal as possible while doing so" Wanda reminded the two as Vada walked over, "Well I don't think that should be a problem" Vision chuckled and Vada pinched his bright cheek and pointed out his synthezoid features.

"This is our home now. I want us to fit in" Wanda sighed and rolled her eyes, "Oh darling, we do, we shall" Vision reassured Wanda and held onto her arms. Vada ducked under their arms and stood inbetween them, "And you're going to knock their socks off!" She chuckled and booped Wanda's nose.

"Especially with you wearing this!" Vision told Wanda as he lifted up a little glittery bodysuit. "Oh, that's actually the rest of your costume" Wanda laughed and Vada held it over Vision, "He has the perfect figure for it" Vada joined in on the joke and Vision rolled his eyes. "Are you doing anything for the fundraiser?" Vision asked Vada and tapped his fingers on her head like drumsticks, "No, I'm trying to keep my dignity" Vada shrugged, "Join us" Wanda squealed excitedly, "No, I don't think I will, plus, I don't even have a costume" Vada stuck her nose up.

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