M is for Marauder- James Potter

Start from the beginning

After 10 minutes or so of running , we reached the classroom. We banged open the door panting and breathing heavily and rushed to the last seats left as Professor Slughorn looked at us with a raised eyebrow and said " What happened girls?". 

"Oh nothing Professor" I smiled sweetly. " Just ran into Mrs. Norris. She's still mad at me for transfiguring a rat into a water goblet" I said, the lie slipping easily from my lips.

He looked suspicious for a moment, but then smiled, nodding his head, saying " Ah yes, that cat is a right pain. She clawed at me the last time we crossed paths." and then started on about The Sleeping Draught.


After potions , I linked my arms with Lily's And Severus' as we went to the Great Hall for lunch, chatting and joking.

We went towards the Slytherin Table, ignoring the looks of hatred from the other Slytherins, and settled ourselves at the far end of the table.  We loaded our plates with food. 

I took a bite of a burger, when my tongue started burning. Holy Merlin!
 I realized I had added too much pepper. I quickly grabbed Severus' pumpkin juice silently apologizing to him as took a great sip if it.

I shuddered at its taste. How pumpkin juice be so Bitter? Anyways, I put the goblet down, feeling better. As turned to tell Severus about its weird taste, I saw him and Lily looking at me as if I was a ghost. 

"(Y-Y/N)" he stuttered pointing his finger at me. "Y-Your skin..it-it's-"

I looked down at myself and saw it- my skin was bright red in color!!

I took a deep breath, then,


"I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANY--WAIT!! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY MIDDLE NAME???"He said without looking up from his food.


" OH!! IT WAS JUST A PRANK!! DON'T YOU WORR--" He cut himself off once he saw me covered with red skin.

"Oh Deer!! Oh deer!! Are you okay?? I'm so sorry dearest (Y/N)!!" He screeched in a rushed manner as he scrambled out of his bench and ran towards me.

As soon as he reached me, he took hold of my hands and pulled me out of my chair , back towards the Gryffindor table. Once he reached his spot, he fussed about in his satchel , saying "Where's it James?? The antidote ??" He pulled out a tiny vial with a greyish-brown liquid and thrust it into my hands as I looked at it weirdly.

"Well?? what are you waiting for?? Drink it for Merlin's sake!!"

I nodded obediently , pulled out the cork and gulped it in one sip. I shuddered at the taste and looked at my hands-- they had turned normal again.

 I looked up to see James with an extremely worried face , which morphed into one of sheer happiness. He grinned brightly, pulled me into a hug, spinning me around murmuring "You're okay.You're okay.You're okay.You're okay."

When he finally put me down, I felt dizzy as well as elated due to the fact that HE HUGGED ME as if I were Lily. 

So, I could not help but ask, " James, why are you treating me as if I am Lily??"

Hearing this, James froze as his eyes widened.

"Yes James, Do tell." Sirius said slowly, in a taunting way.

"We-well, uh-" James stuttered, fidgeting " I -I really like you- well -not - not like - I like like you."  

My breathing stopped; I felt like i was in cloud 9 . But, If he did like me, then why did he always ask Lily out?

" Is this a joke ?" I blurted out" A prank? Because if you do like me, why do you ask out Lily?"

"No- no of course this isn't a joke . I really do like you. I only ask out Lily to catch your attention. I have already told her never to say yes to me." he said siriusly. 

I felt like my world stopped. I was too shocked to say anything.

" uh-uh...(Y/N)?? Did I say something wrong?? It's okay if you don't like me ba--mmph" he got cut off as I pilled him by the shirt and thrust my lips onto his.

The kiss was short, but sweet. our lips molded onto each other perfectly. They fit together like puzzle pieces.

We didn't hear the entire school in the great hall cheering or wolf-whistling, or the the exclamation of You owe me 10 galleons Moony!! by Sirius, because in that moment, it was just me and James, together. 

When we broke apart, he lay his forehead against mine. He looked at fondly and whispered " You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that."

"Believe me, I think I do." I said as I pulled him in for another kiss.



Author's note-

Hello All!! 
I hope you liked it!!

Please comment, vote and send requests and suggestions!!

Also, please go check out my James Potter Fanfic
 "𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔰, 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱 "...

Love <33

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