M is for Marauder- James Potter

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In this story you are -

- (Y/N) McKinnon, Twin sister to Marlene McKinnon.

- a Gryffindor in the Marauder's Year.

- Best Friends with Lily Evans and Severus Snape.

_____________Your Pov______________________________________



- 2 Hours Earlier-

I was walking towards the courtyard when I saw James Potter once again, asking Lily out.

" Oi Potter! You arrogant, immature toerag!" I said " Quit your pathetic ways to ask Lily out! She's never gonna say yes!"

The truth was that I had a bit of a crush on James Potter. No, it was not because he was drop-dead gorgeous or because he was a great prankster or because he was popular. It was because he was extremely passionate and kind to those whom he loved.

 If you truly knew him, he was as soft as a teddy-bear. I wish I was close to him, because I was told about this by Remus , who was the only person other than Lily who knew about my infatuation.

 It did hurt me to see him ask Lily out the whole time, but if it made him happy, it made me happy.

"No one asked you McKinnon!! Besides, I'm far too much devilishly handsome to be rejected" He said smirking

"NO!! For the LAST Time I do not want to go out with you Potter!!! I'd rather kiss the Giant Squid than go on a date with you!!" Lily shouted exasperatedly.

"Awww come on Lily-Pad!! Don't be so--OW!OW!OW!STOP AH-OW!!" 

He got cut off as she started hitting him on the head with her hard-cover Advanced Potion Making as I leaned against a tree smiling amusedly at the sight.

As he looked at the sight of my smiling face, he morphed his face into one of mock outrage. "Don't you dare laugh at this McKinnon!! You have bruised my ego terribly!!"

I burst out laughing at his mock offended expression. " You have too big of an ego Potter." I replied laughing " Godric knows how Hogwarts handles all of it!"

"Ooh!! That's harsh Prongs !!" Sirius Black, his best mate hollered from behind.

 I saw as James Potter took Sirius Black by the ear and pulled him towards the others of his group, whispering furiously with a face-splitting grin on his face, presumably talking about Lily. If only I knew how wrong I was.

I shook my head fondly with a smile on my face as Lily fell into step beside me and we silently trudged towards potions class.
I smiled softly as I thought about how cute and adorable he looked while talking to Lily.

" You're thinking about him aren't you?" Lily said as I shook out of my daydream.  It didn't take a genius to figure out who she was talking about. 

" You are so smitten!! " She squealed, laughing softly. 

" I am so not !!" I shook my head furiously " You take that back Evans!!" I pretended to growl.

" Oh admit it (Y/N/N)!! You are positively in love with him!! You'd jump off the astronomy tower if he told told you to do so." She said grinning brightly.

 I fake gasped " Why you little--!!" and ran behind her, wiggling my fingers. She squealed loudly and set off running in the direction of the dungeons .

ORCHIDEOUS ... hp oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin