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   "Aaliyah! You came!" Elain comes up and gives me a huge hug with Lucian not too far behind

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"Aaliyah! You came!" Elain comes up and gives me a huge hug with Lucian not too far behind. "Elain, how are you?" I greet Lucian quickly and go back to chatting with Elain. "I'm alright. Everything is slowly getting better but I'm adjusting. How about you!? How is your business? I've been meaning to stop by lately but I've been pretty occupied." Az handed me a glass of wine and looks at me.

"You have your own business?" "I opened not long before Amarantha had captured me. It's where I spend a lot of time." Feyre and Mor come over and join in on the conversation. "It's amazing!! It's been really popular lately too." I take a sip of my drink. "Aaliyah has a special gift. Growing up, she always kept a sketchbook and a few sticks of charcoal with her. It's actually how I got into art. I would watch her sketch and paint, Picking up on a few things over the years." I nod and look at Azriel. "That's why I haven't stuck around. My studio is my safe Haven and my exactly the kind of therapy I need." Az just smiles. "I'll have to check it out sometime." "I would love that." After a while and a fabulous dinner, a lot of catching up with friends and family, I decided on heading out to the balcony for fresh air.

"I know another reason you left." I look next to me to see Cassian next to me. "Really? Then tell me why Cass." "You're in love with Azriel but you know he has feelings for Mor." I roll my eyes and hold my hands up. "Fine, you got me. I have very strong feelings for him. What does this have to do with anything?" Cassian is like the other older brother that I never got. He may be tough on the outside but the more you know him, the more caring he is. "Well I definitely shouldn't be the one telling you this but he's not in love with her, Hasn't been for a while now." I look at him and cross my arms on my chest.

"Really? I don't believe you." He sighs. "Believe it or not. It's the truth." I lean closer and stare at him sternly. "And who told you all of this?" "Feyre told me that he discussed it with her ." "And why would he talk to her and not me? I'm his best friend." "Are you sure about that?" I just roll my eyes. Illyrian Fae Bastard... " I think the wine is getting to you Cass, The three of you are practically brothers." He just stands there shrugging his shoulders. "Point taken. Why don't you talk with her then? It's not my place to say." "I just might do that." After another two hours, we all call it a night.

After getting in my morning run before work,  I change into something comfortable but also nice so I settle on leggings and an oversized sweater along with Boots since it the beginning of winter and head into town to get my usual supplies when I run into Feyre. "Fey! Hey!" She takes notice of me and walks over smiling. "Hey, bestie! What's up?" I give her a hug. "Just running some errands. What about you?" She shrugged. "Not much. I've been doing a lot of High Lady things and decided to get out and breathe." I smile. "Well, When do you have to head back? I was gonna grab a coffee and head back to the studio if you wanna join." "I'm not meeting Rhys until 6 and plus I've been dying to see your studio." I link my arm in hers and we walk in the direction of my studio.

"I've actually been meaning to talk with you about something." She smirks. "Don't you mean about someone?" I look at her. "I take it that based on your comment you overheard my conversation with Cassian last night?" "Not all of it."  We stop for a second and I sternly look at her. "Feyre..." She gives in. "I'm sorry. I'm your best friend and I know I should've been respectful but why didn't you tell me? About you being in love with Az?" We arrive at my studio and I begin to put things away as she sits in the small kitchen where I keep all my painting supplies.

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