Dinner Invitation

Start from the beginning

"Well, we know Harry Styles has superior style, yeah?" Louis fought a smile, but when Harry smiled, he allowed his to escape too.

"Wanna crack a cold one?" asked Harry.

It was still early – only nine o'clock, and frankly, a beer might soothe their nerves. This was a very trying time. A pivotal point.

Louis nodded, and Harry went to get them a beer each.

Once again, Louis wondered why he'd been almost aghast at Harry kissing him. The signs had been there for some time. The flirting, the compliments, and the fact that Harry had told him he was gay, and that Louis was his "type" should have been plenty. Way past obvious. But Louis, somehow, had not taken it seriously. He'd found it just too far-fetched to believe.

Harry entered the bedroom again, holding the two beers. Louis was pensive, remembering the kiss.

"Here, take this one," Harry said with a twinkle in his green eyes. "It's the one I shook up."

"Bastard," grumbled Louis. "How do I know if you're lyin' or not?"

"I was tryin' to be amusin,' but apparently you don't see the humor in it." Harry stuck his lower lip out as if he was pouting, and Louis wanted to kiss that plump pink lip so badly.

"My luck, you really did shake it up."

"Okay then. Give it to me. I'll drink it. And you can have mine."

"So the one you have is the one you shook! Shoulda known."

Harry laughed until his eyes became teary. "If you're so fuckin' scared, I'll drink 'em both and you can go to the kitchen for your own!" He was still laughing.

So Louis just smiled and opened his beer. Nothing happened. He gave Harry a long, hard look as he took a healthy gulp.

"See? You were wrong, yeah?" asked Harry.

"Not until you take a drink of your own," Louis insisted with a determined narrowing of his eyes.

Oh, he was a die-hard.

Harry opened his with a snick and took a swallow, wiggling his eyebrows at Louis, taunting him.

"Okay, so I was wrong. But next time I probably won't be." Louis looked a little relieved and a little disappointed.

Harry went into a fit of giggles again. "I love the way you're so whimsical. I never know, from one minute to the next, what you'll say or do."

Louis had no comment except to address his hungry, growling belly.

"That crock pot's smellin' good," he commented on the aroma of the chili they'd prepared that morning and had been simmering all day.

"It's done," Harry said, tasting it with a spoon when they had both gone to the kitchen. Truth be told, he'd almost forgotten about the chili with Louis' allure distracting him. As hungry as he was, Louis was his dish of choice.

"Here, taste it." He held a spoonful of chili in front of Louis' face. This somehow felt intimate to Louis. It was the same spoon Harry had used. He opened his mouth and Harry inserted the spoon. It was delicious.

After they were done eating, Louis wiped his mouth on his napkin and put one hand on his belly.

"That was some kick-ass chili," he said. "Me belly's burnin' up."

"That's the only way chili should be. Nice 'n spicy. Kinda like you." Harry was flirting again.

They washed the dishes, Louis took a gulp of Pepto Bismol, and they went back to bed.

Out Of Nowhere - A Larry Stylinson storyWhere stories live. Discover now