Chapter 4: Seeking the Past

Start from the beginning


"...Yeah. To think it's been years and yet we got no one that could stick like your sons. It's really fortunate that they left the way they did...


"...So, Factory duty, now? Well, it'll be a piece of cake for you so don't worry... Yeah, yeah... I'm still doing as fine as I can be..."

The Scott Cawthon looks through the monitors in his office and notices Joey heading his way, "...I've got to go. Talk to you later."

The door to the office opens, with Joey pushing both of them wide, "Mr. Cawthon, Mr. Cawthon, Mr. Cawthon!"

"What, what, what?!" Scott did not think he'd come in like this.

"Outside, outside, outside!" Joey went over to him, pointing in he general direction of the entrance.

"Yes, yes, yes?"

"Someone, someone, someone!"

"Out with it, Joey!"

"So I was out on the floor doing my shift like a usual normal guy while also wondering when the new employee was going to come and then when I went to look outside at the parking lot I saw a thing," explained Joey without pausing at all.

"What kind of thing?" Scott asked.



"Well, let's just say that outside our not-so-normal pizzeria is a certain thing that I think is actually abnormal but considering how our company is we find that thing I saw outside is on a list of normal things that our company would see despite how abmomal it is and I'm here to alarm you that the normal abnormal thing is coming."

"..." Scott folded his arms and stared at Joey, confused, "Right, right. So what was the part about the who now?"

Joey sighed and pointed to the monitors. Outside, Orange Guy was still standing in the parking lot in thought, "That thing outside is probably gonna try to enter the location. Maybe he wants a job or something."

"Hey, maybe that's Mike Schmidt."

"What, isn't Mike Schmidt a normal person from the file you got?"

"Yes, I do believe he was. But he still isn't arrived yet despite it being past his shift. Might as well hire this guy since he hasn't arrived yet," Scott said and went over to the door but Joey stopped him by getting in his way.

"No, you can't hire that thing, Boss. He's not normal so it's not normal to hire him."

"Joseph, you've come to wrong company if you're expecting us to have normal staff," Scott knocked on his own phone-head to make a point, and then pointed to Joey, "Yourself included."

"What an abnormal statement, Boss. I'm the most normal employee around these parts. Last name's not Everyman for nothimg."

"One of my previous employees is more normal than you'll ever be, Joseph... But fine, if you can make him leave, I'll wait for this Mike guy to show up."

"Leave it to me, Boss-man."

* * *

"...Standing here in the light isn't going to help me. It's time we enter this location."

Orange Guy finally steps forward from where he was and approached tbe entrance. But before he could reach for the handle to pull open the door, Joey came out, and he saw his name tag. He realized he works there.

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