How to Deal With Stress

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Written by laurenak17

Stress- Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances. 

Impacts of stress on your mental and physical heath- 

The impacts of stress can be both internal and external. Some physical effects include-

digestion issues
muscle tension
frequent bouts of sickness
sleep issues

Some mental effects include-

feelings of anxiousness
being overwhelmed
loss of motivation
an inability to calm your mind.

And i'm about to to help you with this. 

Dealing with Stress-

1. Exercise regularly. 

This helps you get your mind off of thoughts of your exams, tests, grades, etc. But, one thing to remember is never do hard exercises before bed, because these workouts make your body hard to relax. So try a calming walk, or something along those lines.

2. Journal

Sometimes, the act of writing can help with stress a lot. For example, if something is nagging at you or bothering you, writing it down can help a lot. Sometimes making lists of things you need to do helps too. 

3. Spend time with loved ones

If you have had a stressful week, or even a stressful day, spending time with pets and loved ones helps a lot. You can even tell them about what's stressing you out!

4. Read

I know not all of you read, but if you do, reading helps a lot. It helps your mind escape into a different world for a while, and it also calms your mind. 

5. Eat well

If you are eating a bunch of junk food all the time, this can cause stress and sleep issues. Try and eat heathy and reward yourself with some kind of sweet treat every once and a while. 

That's all for today! If you need to talk, pm me at laurenak17 or right here on thebullyfreezone 

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