Iruka x kakashi

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Team 7 arrived at the ramen shop sasuke's plan was going well he knew Kakashi and Iruka liked each other. "Hey, Naruto." Sasuke said, his voice as emotionless as always. "Yeah?" Naruto replied. "Lets fight!"

Naruto and Sasuke ran into the street and took their stances. Sasuke came at Naruto with a taijutsu attack. Naruto blocked it and backed up a little. Naruto started to charge up his rasengan. Iruka and Kakashi both jumped out of their seats to stop Naruto. As they were running toward Naruto, Kakashi looked back to check on Sasuke. He lost his balance and bumped into Iruka. Kakashi fell to the ground and Iruka fell on top of him. They both blushed as a note fell out of Iruka's pocket.

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