Chapter 1: Party.

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Reliving: Part I

Created by DiscordedEdd,

Written by Trevor Owens and DiscordedEdd with assistance from leaf_sketches and Volume Control
Edited by Miss Lovelin

Yellow. It was all yellow, but blurry. Then black. After several seconds, yellow returned and the blurriness was now gone. All shown was a ceiling and a window alluring to bright yellow rays from the outside covering everything in its warm welcome.

The yellow rays also warmed up the heavy cloth laying upon a body sleeping soundly...or was. The person sleeping in the bed slowly lifted their back to see the outside with their vision piercing the yellow rays to witness a colorful city.

A city of diverse buildings, cars, doors, chimneys, mailboxes, you name it. People walked on the streets either alone, with the love of their lives, or an animal, either being a companion or a service animal. All among each other to find their respective places, like clockwork.
The person looked back to see an equally as colorful room. Not with the walls, but with the materials. Pencils and sketchbooks, a yellow desk with a small clocktower on it, colorful plushies, a closet of differing clothes, bean bag chairs, a tall mirror, and most importantly, a white small animal with the shape of a fox and the antlers of a deer sleeping with the person on the bed.

The person removed the covers on the bed, got up, and walked towards the mirror to see a teenage girl with blue hair and pajamas. Blue and green pajamas. The girl's hair went all the way down to her legs and slightly curled in the edges.

The girl noticed that her furry companion began to slowly wake up by seeing a reflection of the animal in the mirror.

"Sleep well?"

The animal rose up after hearing his owner's question and turned his head sideways in confusion.

"I said, 'Did you sleep well, Twig?'"

Twig then nodded as a way of saying "yes" to his owner.

"And you know what day it is?" The girl asked again, with Twig not replying. "Today, I turn 15!"

Immediately, Twig jumped off of the bed and ran up to jump in his owner's arms. Once the animal was in his owner's arms, he began licking his close friend's face to celebrate the birthday.

"Ok, Twig. Alright, alright, alright! Thank you. Enough," the girl laughed, while holding Twig, and the animal stopped to lay in the owner's arms like if she was holding a baby. "Come on, let's see what Mum is up to," the girl said as she placed Twig on the ground.

The girl opened the door to her room that led to a hallway, which revealed the rest of her home's interior. The wall's colours were rather dull; it was a shade of maroon and white. What made the place interesting were the paintings and photos of the girl's family that have been taken and framed all over the years.

She stood there in awe, reminiscing of the times and adventures she had either alone, or with her family. "Time does pass by fast," she murmured.

The girl then walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, expecting that her mum would be preparing something for her there. However, nothing came up and nobody was in the kitchen. Just the usual kitchen with the fridge, stove and oven, and food in the cabinets.

The blue haired girl looked around on the shelves to find what to eat, but she was suddenly hugged from behind out of nowhere. The girl turned around and realized that the person who hugged her was her mother, hiding to turn up a surprise.

"Happy Birthday, Hilda," her mother spoke.

"You scared me!"

"Wanted to surprise you," her mother spoke again. The two separated from their encounter and the two had a more proper hug, embracing each other with loving care. The mother looked like she was in her mid thirties, wearing similar pajama clothes as her daughter, but compared to the young one, she didn't have blue hair at all. Her hair color was dark brown.

Reliving ClassicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang