"I told you I want to keep you safe," he replied calmly.

"You didn't ask me!"

"This was your idea in the first place, Juliet."

"I know... I know..."

"If it's not me it'll be someone worse."

The witch groaned put her head in her hands, "I know that, Reg."

"You won't have to get the mark, you won't have to go through any of this. Marry me and you're safe. Just like how Narcissa is."

"I don't want to live like this, though! Under the control of my father who murdered-"

Regulus cut her off by grabbing her and kissing her, hard, and not letting go for a few seconds. When he eventually did the witch slapped him, harder.

"What the fuck-"

"Lucius was watching us," he said.


"You're my best friend, Romilly. I have no interest in kissing you."

"Just marrying me, then," she scoffed, wiping her mouth.

"This is for you, Juliet. Everything I'm doing is for you."


The boy shrugged, "you're all I've got left."

"Don't say that."

"It's true."

"You should talk to Sirius..."

Regulus laughed, "good one."

"He wants to speak to you."

"How would you know that?" He asked harshly.

Juliet shrugged, "he told me."

"I've got no interest in-"

"Bullshit. Just owl him."

"I'm trying to protect you, Juliet."

"You're protecting me from one thing and opening me up to a world where I will be expected to murder."

"That's our life."

"It doesn't have to be," she said quietly.

Regulus groaned, "don't start this shit again, Jules. Be fucking loyal to the cause, everyone suspects you. My father says you're just like your mother and look what happened to her, no one trusts you. Marry me and you'll be fine, you'll be trusted."

"My mother loved someone, that isn't a crime-"

"When he's a mudblood, yes it is," Regulus hissed.

Juliet stepped back from the boy in front of her and shook her head, tears threatening her eyes.

"I trust I have a while to consider your proposal, Regulus?" She said, before swiftly walking away.

"Jules-" he called after her halfheartedly. When she disappeared from sight, Regulus sighed and pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket along with a quill and some ink. He addressed the letter to Padfoot and left only a small drawing of a house at the bottom.

"What if someone's messing with you?" Remus asked Sirius as they sat in the common room examining the letter he had received earlier in the day.

"It says Padfoot."

"Everyone knows you're Padfoot," James reminded him. "That doesn't mean it's actually Regulus."

JULIET {remus lupin}Where stories live. Discover now