~How You Met~

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Regina George

You were new to school and you had no one to sit with at lunch. You sighed and realized you were going to have to eat lunch in the bathroom. You walked past a table with three prettied up girls. One of them stood up and called you over, causing you to stop in your tracks.

"Yeah, you! Come sit with us." She said. She had that kind of voice where you knew you couldn't get out of this. Not like you wanted to. You didn't have anywhere else to sit. You walked over and sat with them.

It was clear they were the popular girls. They wore pretty...showy outfits. They had all these rules they wanted you to follow and outfits you would have to wear. One thing you noticed is Regina always had her eyes on you. It weirded you out a bit, but you brushed it off as nothing.

Janis Sarkisian

You were having a rough first day at your new school. You hated moving schools. You felt alone. No one to talk to. At lunch, you sat in the hallway and just ate by the lockers.

A bit into your lonely lunch, two pairs of feet stopped in front of you. You looked up and saw two people looking down at you.

One was a boy with short, brown hair. He had a plaid, denim jacket on and He stood in a very feminine pose.

The other person was a girl. She had long hair that fell to one side of her chest. The end was dyed a light blonde color that contrasted to her dark hair. She had a very unique and artistic denim jacket on.

They told you to go sit with them outside. Apparently their names were Janis and Damian. You all sat out at lunch together and you listened to them fill you in on the rules of the school, including the warnings of the plastics.

You were very fond of both of them and you were glad that you finally had some great friends, but you were especially fond of Janis. Something about her really stuck out and you liked it.


Evan Hansen

You got into one of your dream colleges. It was mainly an artistic one. You were so excited to go. Not to mention, you were getting a roommate. You were so excited to meet them. You had gone to artistic schools before and you always met some amazing people there.

When you were moving into your dorm, you noticed that there were things already in the room. Your roommate was already there!

At the sound of the door closing when you came inside, your roommate hesitatingly came out of there room. You recognized him almost instantly.

It was...Evan Hansen!

You knew him through the whole Connor Project fiasco. Of course, you didn't know him personally, but it was big on the internet. It was hard not to know him. In all honesty, you kind of understood him. After the truth came out, you felt bad for him.

You stared for a second. He seemed to get a bit nervous and he fumbled with his hands.

"You...You're Evan Hansen." You finally stuttered out. His face fell a bit. He went to talk, but only small chokes came out. He quickly turned and ran back into his room. You tried to stop him, but it was too late. You sighed and decided to focus on unpacking. You'd have time to talk to him later.

Jared Kleinman

It was your senior year of high school. You were at your locker, putting some things away. A voice caught your attention.

"Love the new hairstyle. Very school shooter chic."

You paused and turned to the voice. You thought they were talking to you. Instead, you saw a boy with glasses looking at Connor Murphy. You of course knew Connor Murphy. You had heard a lot about him.

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