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You don't understand
You don't belong in this world
This world is cruel and then there's you
You're perfect and pure

Darling, you are ethereal
A delicate flower, too good to be true
I don't deserve the love
You have bestowed upon me
Yet I am honored to be loved by someone
As luminescent as you

I cherish your kisses
Your hugs make me feel safe
You shine brighter than any star in the sky
You are unapologetically you
And I admire it so much

Darling, you are ethereal
A delicate flower, too good to be true
I don't deserve the love
You have bestowed upon me
Yet I am honored to be loved by someone
As luminescent as you

How did I become so lucky?
What made you choose me?
You're too good for me

Darling, you are ethereal
A delicate flower, too good to be true
I don't deserve the love
You have bestowed upon me
Yet I am honored to be loved by someone
As luminescent as you
I will never take that love for granted

So this song is not based on real events but this is one of my favorites that I've written so far :)

Let me know what you think please!

I hope you all are having an amazing day and staying strong. I believe in each and every one of you. You've got this :)



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