xx. third task pt.4: the return

Start from the beginning

Cedric gasped at the body, and shakily replied, "If I do agree to this, where will I live?"

Cedric knew his friends were fake, you see. He even knew his girlfriend, Cho, was using him for popularity.

"Perhaps with us," Remus said, breaking the silence. Remus, Sirius and Tom kept looking at them curiously, ready to strike muggle style or with their wands.

"So, what do you say?" Mors asked. "If you do not agree, may I add, you won't live as you know too much."


The twins and a still body appeared back at Hogwarts. Music started playing and people were cheering. But then, Fleur screamed. Iris and Harry were shaking with tears, refusing to let go of the body. The school staff and Ministry staff rushed over, covering the three teenagers from the crowd.

"W-we couldn't leave him," Harry sobbed.

"So many lights, Cedric wake up!" Iris screamed.

The crowd started whispering and started moving forward to see the body. The staff was trying to keep them back but failed.

"That's my son! Let me through! That's my boy!" Amos Diggory yelled, pushing people out of the way.

Cho was closely following, tears coming down her face.

"That's my boy!"

Dumbledore was failing at removing Harry and Iris from Cedric. They were clinging onto his dead body for dear life. Every time they managed to get them off the just reattached themselves.

It took Ron and Draco to take them off. Iris kept fighting to get out of Draco's grip but suddenly relaxed into the blonde's grip and buried her head into his chest, sobbing violently.

Harry, like Iris, was fighting to get out of Ron's grip. But, unlike his twin, he managed to get out of the redhead's grip. But before he could get to Cedric, 'Moody' grabbed him and dragged him away.

"Mister Malfoy! Please take her to Madam Pomphrey," Severus ordered.

"N-no! Cedric wake up!" Iris screamed hysterically.

She started fighting Draco again, but this time successfully breaking out of his grip. She ran back over to Cedric and cling to his body once again. She was next to Amos, sobbing.

"Cedric, wake up. . . please," she sobbed quietly.

"Dumbledore!" Cornelius Fudge hissed at the old headmaster.

"We need to move the body there's too many people!" Dumbledore nodded and made his way to grab Iris but James beat him to it.

It went unnoticed by Dumbledore but James glared at him.

"Shh, Iris. It's fine, you're okay. Cedric will wake up," James whispered in her ear soothingly, effectively calming her.

Dumbledore thought for a moment.

"Severus! Minerva! Follow me, we must get to Moody!" Dumbledore shouted, wand already in hand.

𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐔𝐋 (Tom Riddle) [ 𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗘𝗗 ]  BEING REWRITTEN!!Where stories live. Discover now