Kenma and Lev came running up to Akaashi.

"Are you okay?" Kenma asked.

"Um, yeah... what happened?" Akaashi replied.

"I think Kuroo was trying to spike a ball at Bokuto but he moved, it was going to hit you in the head, but Bokuto got his hand in front of it. Looked like it hurt by how far his arm bent backwards. 

"Oh, I should thank him." 

Akaashi looked around, but neither Bokuto nor Kuroo were in the gym. Lev was pushing the ball cart back to the equipment room. 

"Do it later." Said Kenma. "Lets go change."

Akaashi walked with Kenma to the changing rooms, leaving him at the men's door and heading further along, walking past the ladies, and into the disabled toilet and shower. She locked the door, let her hair down out of the braid and showered. She dressed quickly in a roll neck blue jumper and black baggy jeans. She towel dried her hair, threw it up in a messy bun and slipped on her converse, then headed to the gym entrance to wait for the others.

Kenma was sat outside on the concrete, his hood up to block out the setting sun, gaming on his phone. 

"Hey." He said without looking up. "Konoha and Lev have already gone, I'm waiting for Kuroo because he's giving me a lift, so you don't have to wait around if you don't want to."

"Okay. Where's Bokuto?" Akaashi replies.

"Down there somewhere being an idiot probably." Kenma says, pointing down the path to the right. 

"Okay, thanks Kenma. I'll see you soon." 

Akaashi walks towards the direction that Kenma had pointed out, and as she rounded the corner of the next building, she saw him, walking along the top of the brick wall, eyes on his phone, typing. He finished his message as he walked to the end of the wall, slid his phone in his pocket and jumped off the wall. 

"Bokuto!" Akaashi calls as he lands on the pavement. He turns.

"Hey hey hey!"

"I err.. wanted to say thanks... for stopping that ball earlier." Akaashi mumbles.

A look of confusion sweeps over Bokuto's face for a second, then realisation strikes.  

"Oh, right. Yeah no problem. You heading home?"


"Which way you walking?" 

"Oh I need to go left here." Akaashi says.

"Okay, cya tomorrow!" Bokuto calls brightly, giving a wave as he continues walking straight.

Akaashi moves to the entrance of the road on the left, out of sight and waits. She felt guilty for lying to him then, but she didn't want risk him finding out where she lived, or worse, her mother seeing her with him. She would wait a few minutes here, then walk home. 

While she waited, she pulled out her phone and saw a new message from a few minutes ago.

17:56 Kenma: Hey. 

18:03 Akaashi: Hey

18:03 Kenma: Oh good you replied. Kuroo is driving me insane, he's singing at the top of his lungs on the drive home and I am trying to distract myself. Did you find Bokuto?

18:04 Akaashi: Yeah I did thanks. He's gone home.

18:04 Kenma: You walking with him?

18:04 Akaashi: No

18:04 Kenma: Ok. I have a great idea. As I am stuck in a group chat with both of them and their antics, I'll add you, so you can suffer as well.

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