Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day.. I know I have missed it by a few hours to the people in the UK but this is another little ficlet of Hayley and Lucas, how they celebrate Valentines with each other.

Coming Home for... A Valentine's Day surprise

Lucas looked around the house. Hayley would be home soon. He wanted everything to be perfect. Valentine's Day only came around once a year. This year he wanted it to be perfect for her. Lucas North not one to feel the idea of Valentine's Day until last year he would call it an over commercialised time for people to spend a fortune on someone they would probably end up rowing with either during the day or the next week. That was of course until Hayley had come into his life, His incredible sexy teacher fiancée Hayley Tanner. He had not been looking for her but as soon as he found her he wondered why he hadn't? Their relationship was not the conventional one. Him being a spy was one of the reasons, he had nearly lost her because of it. He shook his head. When he had nearly lost her, he made a vow that he would never allow himself to harm her again.

Lucas laid the candles on the table; she would want to be having a relaxing bath before they were to be going out anywhere. She had texted him to say that she would be home in about fifteen minutes. It had been a long week for her. Tonight especially it was beyond him why on Valentine's Day that the school had decided to have a Year 11 parent's evening congratulating or commiserating them on their Mock GCSE's. He had began to run her bath when he heard the key go into the latch as Hayley entered the house and dumped her school bags at the foot of the stairs.

'Lucas are you home?' she shouted.

Lucas checked the water again satisfied that it was all perfect. He appeared at the foot of the stairs.

Hayley looked up to him, with a smile on her face, but Lucas could tell she looked tired.

'There you are, what are you doing up there?' she raised an eyebrow.

'A surprise' Lucas smiled and held his arms out for her to follow him.

Hayley eyed him, but did as she was beckoned her to do and raced up the stairs so that she was beside him.

He smiled placing a kiss on her forehead. He put his fingers over her eyes. 'Now do you trust me Miss Tanner?'

'You know I do Lucas' came the reply, but she again thought his blindfolding her was a little extreme, but she indulged him. He liked to do this with her a few times he had done this usually meant that he has gone to a lot of trouble with something.

He led her to the bathroom and smiled as he took his hand away. 'A bath for you before we go out this evening I thought you would need it' he smiled.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the bathroom had been decorated with candles and rose petals; he had even sprinkled them in the bath water which was covered in bubbles. She turned to face him. 'Lucas; you shouldn't have gone to so much trouble'

'Nothing is too much trouble for my girl' he smiled, 'Now have a relaxing bath and I will wait for you to be ready'

She gently kissed his lips, 'Not staying to wash my back Mr North?' She purred.

'I may just do that, call me when you want it doing' Lucas kissed her back and left her in bathroom, to undress herself and get into the water.


Hayley allowed the water to allow her muscles to relax. She stayed there for a while just allowing the water to warm her up. When she thought she has waited long enough.

'Lucas' she shouted.

Lucas was at the door in a moment, he looked at her nakedness covered with the bubbles. He could have her now if he wanted. But he shook himself, he was going to treat her like a queen he knew she was tonight he was going to treat her well; 'You rang' he smiled.

'I was wondering will you wash my back then I promise I will get out and we will go to dinner'

'I will wash your back' His smile grew wider; he grabbed the sponge and soaped it up. Running his hands up and down her back, her massaged her shoulder and washed her.

The feeling of his fingers caused Hayley to let out an involuntary sigh. Lucas smiled and continued to wash her back. 'How was your day love?' she asked trying to gain some bearing on the world again.

'The usual, Dimitri and Beth at each other throats, they really are kids sometimes. Beth says she wants to go out for dinner with you this weekend. Apparently I like to keep you to myself for some strange reason'

'Tell Beth, I will go out with her Friday night for a few hours. And this I say to you. I would rather be home with you'

Lucas smiled to Hayley. 'I am glad to hear that' He kissed her forehead, 'And how was parent's evening I know you have been worried about it'

'The usual some angry parents at the mark I gave their Son/ Daughter who hasn't bothered to revise and therefore is why they got a U. But of course it is my fault that they did'

'They don't know what a fantastic teacher they are upsetting when they blame you. And maybe I should come and have a word with the Kids, you know with my gun, they will soon want to revise'

'Lucas' Hayley laughed.

'You think I am joking' Lucas smiled.


Lucas waited for Hayley to come down the stairs, 'Hales hurry up we will be late'

'Coming' she came down the stairs tripping on the last one. Lucas caught her and looked at her; she was wearing a blue sapphire dress which came to the knee.

'You look beautiful'

'Well didn't want you to think I wouldn't make an effort for my man, I see you are wearing the present'

'I am' he held up his new Rolex watch that Hayley had presented him this morning. 'I love it'

'I am glad' Hayley smiled.

Lucas took her hand, 'Come on Angel I am going to spoil you rotten tonight and that is before I give you your present'

'Lucas, you are paying for tonight you told me that was my treat you better not have got me a present too'

Lucas smiled to her and tapped his nose.


They arrived back home a little after eleven o'clock. Hayley had almost fallen asleep on his shoulder on his way back in the cab.

'Come on sleepy head' he smiled as he opened the door to their home, 'I have one more present for you'

'Lucas' Hayley yawned, 'You have spoiled me enough'

'Not just yet enough' Lucas said handing her a box, 'Open it'

Hayley took the package and opened the box; in it was a bracelet with five charms on it. A heart, a Gun, two hands clasped together, an engagement ring charm and a cocktail glass.

Lucas placed it on her wrist, 'the heart represents well you having my heart with you always. The Gun well because of what I do, to show I will always be there to protect you no matter what. And the two hands are to symbolise us as soul mates that will never break apart. The engagement ring is well that one is self explanatory to again remind you, that I have given my soul, heart and body to you. And finally the cocktail glass because I met you in a bar and I am so glad that I did' he kissed her hand.

Hayley looked at him amazed tears in her eyes. 'Lucas, it's stunning and way too much. We are meant to be saving for the wedding not buying really expensive presents'

'Sssshush' Lucas replied, 'I love you and this is my present to you. And the wedding will be exactly as you imagine it to be, nothing is too little for you'

Hayley kissed him, 'I love it and you very much'

'Come on Miss Tanner let's get you to bed, you have had a long day'

Hayley nodded and was led to bed by her knight in shining armour, or her spy in very nice jeans. But all she knew is that as long as she had Lucas no harm would ever come to her.

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