Chapter 8-The Big Thanksgiving (And Christmas!) Surprise

Start from the beginning

Elise buries her head in her hands. "I know."

I pull her into my arms and she stays there, her head against my chest, her arms around my waist, holding on like she'll never let go.

My mind flashes back to when Elise was a little girl. One night when she was five, something had scared her really badly in the living room. She screamed and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my thigh and holding on for dear life. Grandma had tried to comfort her, but only I was able to calm her down.

That memory creates a warm spot in my chest and I squeeze Elise once more as she releases me.

"Come on," I say. "Let's go see what Liam and Blake have planned for lunch."

"For the umpteenth time, we're not telling you where we're going," Blake says, leaning against the car door with one hand on the steering wheel as he guides the car through the streets of New York City.

Liam nods his agreement from the passenger seat. "Nope. Not saying a word."

"Just give us a hint?" I beg.

"No," Blake and Liam say in unison.

Defeated, Elise and I roll our eyes at each other and keep quiet.

The car speeds downward, past tons of buildings, until we're at a section of gorgeous houses that are probably the most expensive in all of New York City. They stop in front of one of the biggest houses in the whole neighborhood.

Elise shakes her head. "I don't think I know anyone who lives here."

Blake pulls the car into a parking space and grabs the keys from the ignition. "Au contraire, Kaitlyn Elise."

Elise's brow furrows as she tries to think of anyone she knows who lives in this part of town. "I give up."

"You'll find out in a few minutes," Liam says, grinning. "Come on."

Blake and Liam lead the way up to the front door and knock, letting Elise stand in front of the two of them.

The door opens and Elise's homecoming date stands there, smiling.

Elise's eyes widen. "Josh!"

"Hi, Elise. Come on in. You guys are just in time," he says. "We're about to start carving the turkey."

He gives Elise a hug and Elise returns it with a smile that says she simply can't believe it.

Blake, Liam and I go inside, standing in the foyer.

"Well, I have to hand it to you two idiots," I tell them. "I think this is making Elise's day."

Blake and Liam grin at me proudly.

"It was the most random idea I think either of us have ever had," Blake says. "We were calling restaurants and nothing was open and then we saw Josh's number on the fridge and we were like, 'Let's call him!'."

"So we called and he answered the phone," Liam continues. "We told him what was going on and he was like, 'Okay. Let me talk to my mom'. So then we chatted with his mom and she was like, 'We've got more food than we'll ever eat, so come on over'."

I smile broadly. "Genius idea." We watch Elise and Josh get their plates and head to the line, laughing and talking as they go. I see Josh's sister and brother nearby too, and soon, the four of them are talking like they're old friends. I don't know about Elise, but so far in the line of Thanksgivings, I think this has been the most memorable one yet.

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