014; a new beginning

Start from the beginning

Tch. This has to work out or else Sumi will have another mental breakdown.


Another capture target unlocked.

Theodor is the son of the most powerful mage in Arumnia. Naturally, he's also going to be a prodigy in magic, like his father.

He has dark blue hair with violet eyes and he is super shy. If you want to put it to words.. well.. he's an introvert. Albeit being the same age and class as the prince and his friend, he barely gets noticed by anyone.

He doesn't like attention.

Infact, his aura doesn't attract any attention at all, despite being super OP. Why? Well, he used magic to suppress it. His father taught him all he knows, hoping that once he retire, his son will be the next greatest wizard of Arumnia.

Though sometimes, the old mage worries that his son's personality might get in the way.

Everytime a classmate gets close, the blue-haired would always blush. Oh, his dad worries about him not finding a girlfriend in the future.

But it's not as if he's completely lonely.

He does have someone that he associates himself with.. Though he preferred not to interact with him. It's more like, he is forced to interact with him. That narcissistic bitch..

Theodor doesn't like attention. Theodor doesn't think he's worthy enough for it. Theodor thinks he's not good enough. Theodor worries on how society will think of him. What if he doesn't meet their expectations?

He grew up in such a loving home too.. he doesn't want to disappoint his father. His father is not getting younger any time soon.

The blue-haired boy sat on the floating fluffy red velvet chair. Though inside the room, everything is not as it seems. His bed was floating, his shelfs too, his tea was upside down but it is not spilling. Basically every object in the room was floating. Why? It's just a little magic practice Theo likes to do. He had his head on his right hand, and his other hand holding a book.

His face looks surreal. As if he's an angel that came down from heaven. The author wonders why he is not popular. But it's this book's logic so anything is possible.

The book he is reading is about the deity's. There are many gods in this world. Each of them are insanely strong. But the strongest of them all is..

The author.

The author is the one who creates it all. They make make sure that every world they create functions properly. And if they were bored, they would easily break a world for fun.

What a tyrant seriously.

The author is the one who created gods in the first place. The author is a terrifying being..

Rumor has it, that the author has the power to create anything, anytime. The author is also the one who decided who lives or die, but most of the time, they leave the work to the gods. Not only that, but the author uses a pen and paper to create worlds and give people powers. Theodor doesn't really know if the author is good or bad.

But still, Theodor wonders if the author is watching his every move right now. They say that the author sees everything and the future.. No, actually-

Theodor is sure that the author is watching him.

Theodor sighed and closed his book. Then he snapped his fingers, making everything go back to normal.

Still though, the author's existence is not proven real yet. (;-;)

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