Part 20 (Shifter)

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I woke up to a tingling feeling on my nose, I had felt the suns rays on me but there was a feeling I couldn't shake, eyes still closed I had felt as if my body was out of place, or rather in a different bed.

I fluttered my eyes open to meet my nose brushing against Armin, and a close up view of his long blonde eyelashes, and his signature smell of vanilla and cedarwood had been waving in front of me, internally I was doing cartwheels but on the outside I had not moved an inch in worry that Armin would wake up.

His arms were wrapped around me, connecting our chests to be touching together in a warm embrace, his hands were wrapped around my lower waist and I found mine wrapped on top of his shoulders, and our legs had somehow intertwined underneath a blanket, even though I had been flustered at this position I had felt at peace staring at Armins calm expression.

He was in a state of serenity as he slept with a tiny smile, unable to move I stayed still until he surprised me by fluttering his eyes open as well, we had soon made eye contact and jumped up from a sleeping position on the bed to sitting upward.

"Oh- Uh Y/N! I'm uh- this I'm sorry—" "Uh don't worry about it Armin" we both had stuttered as we spoke with bed head, "I'm sorry if I did anything weird I-uh I don't think I was thinking straight last night for some reason" I had forgotten that he had unknowingly been given alcohol by some of the scouts, "Oh uh... about that.." I had then given a thorough explanation of what they had done to him, and their commentary of his alcohol tolerance

"I see, they were right I don't really drink but I honestly didn't know that they put it in my juice? I don't think I have a fever or hangover or anything" I brought my hand to his forehead, I pulled away, "Well your forehead seems to be at a normal temperature, but we should put some food and water in your system, here I got some ingredients yesterday for breakfast I'll make it" I stood up from the bed and got up towards the door "by the way I never got to say it last night but, Welcome home Armin!" I cheered and he flashed back a smile "It's great to be back Y/N!" my heart had felt like one of the fireworks me and Armin had seen at the festival, about to explode into an illumination of sparkling colours.

After I quickly changed, I made my way into the kitchen while fixing my hair, I had now gotten ready the ingredients for the pancakes Armin had liked, while chopping up strawberries Armin who was wearing a shortsleeved white shirt and beige flowy pants had joined me, "Would it be okay if I joined you in making these Y/N?" he asked me while leaning on the kitchen counter, "Of course, here" I handed him the bowl of liquid cream and sugar with a whisk, "Can you beat this until it forms peaks please? And then after that we can put the batter on the pan", "Of course" he took the whisk eagerly.

I had almost gotten distracted and cut myself with the knife as my eyes had gazed at Armins muscles peaking throughout his muscular arms as he had worn a shortsleeved shirt rather than a long sleeve, he had whisked the bowl fast and hard in a sophisticated rhythm, I was amazed at how he could do this without his arms getting tired.

I then snapped out of this trance when he had spoken up "Would this be okay Y/N?" He lifted the whisk to show peaks "Uh- yeah that's great Armin! Here we need to get your perfect pancake flip right?" He nodded and smiled, as he made his way beside me in front of the stove, I had quickly done a demo pancake i front of him, and he proceeded to try and make one however it was a total flop.

We went back in forth flipping pancakes and we had noticed that his pancake flipping skills had nowhere gotten better from the start, the last pancake had finally arrived and it was his turn to flip it, "uh Y/N can you do the thing last time where you uh- helped me" he gestured to me, I slowly put my hand on top of his so we would now both be interlocking fingers while holding the pan

"Okay Armin, we need that perfect pancake so let's not repeat that same mistake as last time okay?" I playfully instructed, he nodded his head in a cute determined way "I got this, no we got this" I blushed slightly at his comment, "Do you wanna do the countdown this time?" I turned and asked him, "That'd be awesome, okay... here we go... 3......2.....1.."

And with a gentle flip our pancake had landed perfectly, me and Armin now had jumped for joy cheering for our long awaited perfect pancake his arms had opened and I gently hopped into his arms as he playingfully held onto me and spun me around as we chanted words of celebration "we did it!" He let me down as we both had been too excited to get embarrassed we laughed at our small pancake victory as we set up the table with plates and forks for breakfast

We had split our "perfect" pancake so we would each get a half of a circle, As we sat down Armin eagerly chomped on it "Do you like it?" I asked at his with his mouth full "I think this is the best thing I've ever ate Y/N" he smiles at me with puppy eyes, he had a small patch of whipped cream on the corner of his mouth, I gently reached towards his mouth

His face flushed red as he closed his eyes, I dabbed off the cream off with a napkin, and sat down as he opened his eyes, "Ahah sorry you had a bit of food on your mouth, anyways please tell me more about how construction went?" I was curious about him, he was covered in some places in minsicule scratches and he was a bit tanner.

He nodded and continued telling stories of working hard in the scorching sun in the sand and slipping on seaweed covered rocks, the tales of Sasha and the rations and the time he spent with the scouts, and how he took time everynight to walk by the shore when construction was done for the day. As time went on I had realized that how bad I had craved his company, how I loved the sound of his voice and just the feeling of his presence.

"By the way Y/N, before I go super in depth, I need to tell you something I've wanted to tell you about for a long time now" his face had dropped from a smile to a melancholic expression, he looked down "Is everything okay Armin?" I asked him, "Well, you already know from the stories I've told you about cadet training that I was weak but something had happened where I had gotten a bit stronger but...." he fidgeted with his fingers "When I told you there was a time I thought I wouldn't be able to see the sea... It was true... I was on the verge of death and... the only way I could be saved well—" I was confused "Wait what are you saying—?"

"I was given the spinal fluid and I inherited one of the 9— I'm a shifter, Y/N"

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