Anya : She's hopeless. Kuhu and I watched her once. We refused to ever let her enter the kitchen again.

Abir was surprised. He did not know why. Probably because Mishti was so perfect, he did not think that she did not how to cook. It did not matter anyway. He was an excellent cook. He would make delicious meals for them.

Abir : Can you do me a favour?

Anya : For you? Probably not. Unless it's for my bhabhi.

Abir rolled his eyes and told her what to do. Anya nodded and went upstairs. She was back in fifteen minutes holding a glass bowl and two forks.

Abir thanked her and went inside the kitchen to see Mishti watch the stove with tears. She was so disappointed she hadn't even noticed Abir's entrance.

He went up to her and turned her so that she faced him. She looked at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly.

Mishti : I can't cook. I can't make anything, not even dal or rice. I wanted to try and make ramen for you but I could not do it and I ended up wasting so many vegetables and noodles. I am so sorry. I am really sorry, Abir.

Abir released her from his arms and wiped her tears. Holding her face in his palms, he kissed her forehead.

Abir : Don't cry, Mishti. I don't care that you can't cook. I cook well enough for the both of us. Don't feel bad about wasting the food today. It's not nice but you were trying to make something. You have no idea how happy I am today. You tried to make something for me. I am so touched.

Mishti smiled and wiped the last of her tears.

Abir : Now close your eyes.

Mishti : Why?

Abir : Come on.

Mishti shrugged and nodded. She gasped as Abir lifted her and placed her on the counter.

Abir : Open your eyes now.

Mishti opened to find Abir holding a glass bowl with noodles? No, this was maggi.

Abir : I know you did not manage to make ramen. But at least we can have top ramen noodles.

Mishti looked at him and laughed.

Mishti : How did you make this?

Abir : There's a microwave upstairs. I asked Anya to go to the pantry and take the packet and make it for us.

He took the fork in his hand and twirling around the noodles tried to feed her but she refused.

Mishti : I wanted to make this for you. So you have it first.

She turned the fork towards him and fed him a mouthful and then accepted his forkful of noodles. They ate slowly conversing about random matters when Mishti looked at him.

Abir : What happened?

Mishti : You really don't mind that I cannot cook?

Abir : Why would I mind? Where is it written that only women have to cook? I love cooking and I can impress you. You don't have to worry about it, My temptress.

Mishti smiled. She placed her head on his shoulder.

Mishti : I love you.

She felt him freeze and she sat straight.

Abir : I don't know how to reply to that. I feel very happy when you tell me that you love me but.. But..

Mishti : Shh. You don't have to tell anything right now. I hope that day comes when you can reply with those same words but for now, I'll accept a hug or a kiss. Don't tell me until you mean those words.

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