How To Flip the Middle Finger Without Actually Showing the Finger

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"Is that what I think it is?" Elward asked, a look of horror on his face.

Bingwen looked over. "Oh come on, no need to be afraid, dear boy. It's not that bad."

Kairav, finally noticing the terrifying dish in front of him, replied, "Really man, what do you mean, 'not that bad'? That thing made me weep for days! And I am an Indian!"

The boys looked at each other and nodded suggestively. Kairav gingerly picked up the plate and passed it over to Kat, his head making slight gestures to Hunter's direction.

Kat, seeing the mischievous look on their faces, took the plate and turned to face Saki who immediately noticed what was going on.

"Alright." She took the dish from Kat's hands and placed it right in front of Hunter. "I think the tribe has spoken," she said to him with a smile. "Care to finish your application to the team?"

Without speaking, Hunter picked up his chopsticks, looked Saki in the eye, and took a big mouthful of the dish offered to him. His gaze never left Saki until he swallowed the food.

Hunter did not speak for a long time, trying to maintain his composure. Finally, he took his phone out, stood up, and went outside the room seemingly to answer a call. Yet everyone in the table knew that it was all just an act. That dish was potent enough that only a fire-breathing dragon could eat it. Or Saki. She's the only one in the team who could endure such spicy hot food.

The team knew that Hunter would have to stay longer to earn their utmost respect but right then and there, as he gallantly choked his tears back, he at least earned their admiration.

While Hunter was out, the rest of the team leaned closer to Saki.

"Boss, I heard he gave a huge amount as a joining fee," Bingwen asked in a small voice. "Don't tell me you're going to ask the same from us?!"

"Maybe..." she laughed when Bingwen blanched from her words.

"You must know by now that money won't get you in..." Saki looked at all of them seriously.

"...only merit, would."

"By the way," Elward began as he glanced momentarily at Hunter who is still outside composing himself. "I can't believe you let him get away with just this much 'punishment'".

"Yeah, boss. Judging from how you almost chewed him out a while back in the warehouse, we figured he would at least get THE finger," Bingwen said as he slapped the laughing Kairav's raised palm.

Kat clinked her spoon at her glass as she slyly smiled at them and they leaned closer knowing that she has something juicy for them.

"I was riding with Mr. Wang that time so I was, you can say, at the front row seat -- figuratively and literally," Kat began with suppressed mirth.

"With how our overbearing friend acted with our boss here, I figured we are all in for a great show. You all know what happened in the warehouse so I won't bore you with that. I will start the next act by acknowledging how Mr. Wang has a great taste in cars..."


Kat admitted to herself that Hunter has a great taste in cars much like her best friend, Saki. She smiled at how remarkably familiar it felt to slide in those leather seats as she took the privilege initially offered to her friend.

"Please fasten your seatbelt, Miss Andrasko. I am glad you came with me in her stead but I don't understand why your friend would not ride with me." Hunter briefly glanced at her as Saki stopped near his window, immediately cutting off whatever words Hunter wanted to say at that moment.

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