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James Potter and Lily Evans.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.


"What was that?" Lily whispered after a small popping noise outside had silenced the young couples conversation about dinner.

"I'm sure it was nothing, love," James chuckled, simply to assure his wife. She had been extremely jumpy since they received the news about Harry. Truth be told, he was jumpy as well, and just as paranoid. He despised everything about this situation; Harry being in danger, moving, hiding, not being in contact with friends who were risking their lives... It was more than frustrating not being able to fight alongside them, but Harry's safety was well worth it.

James wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulders and kissed the top of her head. She relaxed a bit and leaned into him, closing her eyes. He stared down at his sleeping son, cuddled up soundly in her arms and he couldn't feel more blessed. They would always be worth his everything.

A louder, much more violent noise came from outside and Lily's eyes snapped right open. "What was that?"

James jumped up and snatched his wand from off the table, eyes never leaving the front door. "Get Harry upstairs, Lily."

Before she could move, the door was blasted clean off its hinges from the outside.

"Now!" he barked in a very un-James like way. A silent sob found its way from Lily's throat as she bolted out of the room with Harry clutched tightly to her chest. Tears welled in her eyes as she tried, and failed, to block out what was happening behind her.

She could hear them conversing, but nothing she could make out until her husband shouted, "Expelli-"

"Avada kedavra!" another voice boomed over his, followed by a loud thud.

Lily's breath caught in her chest as an agonizing loss twisted inside her until it was so painful she almost dropped to her knees. Almost. Her legs felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each, but she still pushed on. It didn't matter if she died here today or not, Harry needed to live.


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