22 | lies and love

Start from the beginning


okay. i physically cannot go any longer. i don't feel like passing out again. i step out and when i look over to Benny he's stepped out too. i don't think twice before taking off again hoping to make it before the beep. i hear Benny's footsteps running behind me and at the last moment i leap over the finish line. Benny doesn't make it. and exhausted smile forms on my face as my legs give out and i collapse to sit on the floor. my vision is suddenly blurry and my face is burning.

"are you okay? brinley!" a faintly hear a distant voice shouting at me. i see blurry figures crowding around me. i try and stand up again, but my legs don't let me. suddenly, strong arms scoop me up bridal style. i rest my head against whoever is carrying me's chest. i recognize the scent. it's definitely Benny. i am not weak. i'm not passing out again.

"Benny." i try to say tough, but my voice comes out weak. "Benny put me down." but he doesn't. i'm starting to get my vision back as we enter the nurse's office. Benny sets me down on one of the beds and sits beside me, stroking my hair.

he sighs, "why is it always my fault whenever this happens." He breathes heavy too. I'm not even sure how it was possible we carried me all the way to the nurse's office after running 130 laps, but it's Benny Rodriguez...

"it's not your fault." i say. "it was stupid of me to keep running. i should know my limits."

"but if i would've stopped sooner, this wouldn't have happened."

"you can't think of it that way." i try to push myself up to a sitting position but Benny stops me.

"just relax for now." he lays down next to me, "know your limits." he gives an adorable smile and i roll my eyes chuckling before he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.


i watch as the ball makes contact with Benny's bat and it soars into the outfield. with bases loaded, we all make a run for it. of course, it's no surprise to see Benny Rodriguez hit another home run. after we all get home, everyone heads into the dugout. Evelyn had been sitting in there on her phone, occasionally stopping to exchange smiles with Yeah-yeah.

"you think you're ready to try and play yet, Evs?" Yeah-yeah sits next to my sister.

"i don't think yet. i'll just make a fool out of myself." Evelyn shrugs.

"no you won't." Yeah-yeah puts his arm around her for reassurance. "i've already told you you're the best student i've ever had. and girlfriend."

Evelyn giggles. "i'm the only student you've ever had. and girlfriend. now take your arm away your sweat is soaking through my shirt." she throws his arm off of her and they laugh.

suddenly i feel a bunch of water splash on my head and start to trickle down my back. "what the-" i arch my back at the discomfort and turn around sharply to see Squints holding an empty water bottle with a smirk on his face. "i could beat your ass Squints."

he takes a step back. "i'm really sorry. it was just a joke and-"

i laugh. "chill. that actually felt good i'm burning up out here." even though it was the evening, it's tough to be outside in jeans. not that it wasn't like that all summer in the valley, though. i grab my water bottle and throw it over Squints' head.

"hah. karma's a bitch Squints." Evelyn jumps in with a laugh before grabbing Yeah-yeah's water bottle from his hands and dumping it on him.

Tommy did the same to Evelyn, and soon there was a full on water war around the dugout. eventually, though, we ran out of spare water bottles and it fell dead silent again. everyone's soaking wet. i shook out my hair. everyone turns their attention to Benny as his phone beeps with a text message. he picks up his phone to read it and his expression changes.

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