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Olivia's pov

Okay as we walked in, Anton caught my eye instantly he's so much more gorgeous in real life.
Joe comes over with a chicken salad for starter
"Hey babes how r u?" I ask him as he sits.
"I'm good by the way you look absolutely stunning" joe says as he puts the plate in front of me.
"Ahh thank you so tell me a little bit about yourself?" You say whilst taking a bite into your salad.
"Well I'm 22 years old from south east London and I'm a company owner how about you?" He says looking at you
"Well my name is Olivia Edwards an-" You start saying but he interrupts
"Wait your perrie edwards sister?" He says looking at you
You laugh "yes"
"Omg I'm on a date with you" he says whilst laughing
"EVERYONE THIS IS PERRIE EDWARDS SISTER" he shouts out to everyone. You put your  hands on your face.
Everyone just looks shocked and the girls are all staring at you.
You and joe get to know such other more but he tells you he's happy with lucie which you respect.
He takes your plates and you sit waiting for anton.
"Hey babes you alright" you say as you stand up and hug him
"Hi your literally stunning" anton says which makes you blush
"We've only known each other 10 minutes and you've already made me blush" he laughs as you say that.
Anton tells you a bit about his life and you tell him about yours.
"So what's your type then?" You ask him as you take a bite of your meal.
"Well you what about yours?" You smile as he says that.
"Someone who is funny, we can have good banter and obviously has to be loyal" You say he smiles at you
"So who do you want to get to know in here?" He asks you
"Well I'm on a date with them right now sooo.." he laughs whilst you say that
" i would love that" you smile at him
Use finish of your date and Maura and Elma come and sit down on your table
"The tings I will do to that man" Maura says whilst looking at tommy.
"Anton is literally gorgeous" You say whilst smiling
"I haven't really clicked with anyone yet" Elma says
Use all talk and it's your finally date.
You and Danny have your date you get a bit bored though lol. Danny says he wants to get to know Elma.
Use are all finished your dates when the girls come down.
"Hi I'm Molly mae"
"Hey I'm Olivia"
Amber walks straight pass maura as she took Michael on a date and comes straight over to you.
" hi babes I'm Olivia"
"Hi I'm amber" she says whilst giving you a hug.
All of the other girls give you a hug, everyone gathers around the fire pit to get to know each other.
"So Olivia, as you know joe shouted out that you were Perrie Edwards sister is that correct?" Anna says whilst looking at you.
You laugh "yes it is true"
You all get to know each other more and see some tension between molly and Tommy since Maura has confessed her feelings for tommy.
You start to get cold when anton puts his jacket around you.
"Awh thank you babes" You say whilst looking at him
He gives you a hug and use all go get ready for bed. As their is only one spare bed you offered to sleep outside and let Maura and Elma sleep in that bed.
As your taking your makeup off amber asks.
"So Olivia who do you think you have the most connection with?"
You turn and look at her "anton 100% and he's literally gorgeous"
"He wouldn't stop talking about you after your date" Anna says whilst you laugh
You wear this:

"So Olivia who do you think you have the most connection with?"You turn and look at her "anton 100% and he's literally gorgeous" "He wouldn't stop talking about you after your date" Anna says whilst you laugh You wear this:

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You walk through the bedroom and say goodnight to everyone and make your way outside. It's really cold tonight but you don't fancy sleeping on the couch with tommy as just no lol.
You start to drift off when you feel the bed got down. You turn around and see anton.
"Just thought I'd join you if your okay with that? I didn't want to leave you alone"he says whilst getting under the cover.
You smile "thank you"
You cuddle up to him and drift off to sleep


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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