~Chapter 7~

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"Y/N?" I heard someone say. I was confused on how they knew my name because they had a familiar but very unfamiliar voice but i didn't care I was happy someone found me. I looked up and said "Thank yo- Conan?" "Are you ok? Why were you crying? And I thought you went back to Denver."Conan said "1, I'm ok now that you have found me 2, It's a long story and 3 I moved here with my family yesterday." "Oh, ok...do you need me to drive you home?" "Sure thanks but can we go to your house first? My phone died and I need to charge it and I forgot my address hence the reason I'm sitting here crying." "Oh that's why, ok sure follow me to my car" "Ok". 

I followed Conan out to his car and I'm not gonna lie I was a bit embarrassed that he saw me cry. But when I looked at Conan he looked a lot different he had longer hair and his style changed he did look hot though. When we got in the car and started driving a few minutes into the drive the same song I heard a few hours ago came on but Conan turned down the volume of it like he didn't want me to hear it. "Why did you turn it down?" "Oh uh I don't really like it but I can turn it back up if you wanted." "Sure thanks, but I kept hearing songs by that same person and it sounds really familiar. Do you know who it's by?" "Uh no that's the first time i've heard that song." "Oh ok" 

Then realization struck me why wouldn't he like it if it was his first time listening to it. Then it hit me he sings the songs that's why the voice sounds all to familiar. "You sing the songs don't you." "No I don't sing them" "I have proof" "What proof" "First of all why wouldn't you like it if it was the first time you heard it and second of all you used to sing songs to me when we were dating that's why it sounded familiar" (also his ep but I just left that out)  "Fine you caught me" "But why didn't you want me to listen to the songs?" "Because I may or may not have written one about you well a lot but those didn't make it on the album..."  "Oh....Do you mind if I ask which one?" "Uh maybe you can figure that one out for yourself. We can listen to them when we get to my place" "Ok yay! looks like I'm friends with a celebrity." "Shut up" Conan said laughing.

We got to Conan's house and went inside. It was a new house and he decorated it a lot differently than the last house. He told me where his bedroom was so I could charge my phone. I walked into his bedroom and the flashback starts ( I'm standing there On a balcony in summer air) of when we were dating  I realized I did miss him but I don't think he thought the same and he probably wrote those songs a while ago when we were dating. I went and put my phone on charge and went back to his living room. He had his vinyl on his record player and was waiting for me to come back so he could play it.  We sat down on his couch and listened to the songs for 33 minutes and 33 seconds (cause that's the duration of kk) Before I guessed which song was about me I went up to his room to text my mom where I was so she wouldn't be worried.

 I went back downstairs to Conan and guessed the songs I guessed most of them but not the one that was about about me he told be "It's The Cut That Always Bleeds" "Is it weird that that was my favourite out of them even before I knew it was about me?" "Kinda but don't worry I exaggerated on the lyrics a bit" "It's fine  i don't really mind" "That's a relief" "Oh um hey it's pretty late do you mind if I stay the night? I promise I won't sleep in your bed" "That's fine with me at least the guest room gets some use." "Thanks but can I borrow some of ur clothes these aren't exactly comfortable to sleep in." "Yeah it's fine its not like you haven't before" I went back up to his room and told my mom I would stay at Conan's for the night. Then I changed into some of Conan's clothes and went back into the living room.

A/N this is king of a makeup chapter for yesterday's short chapter :) 

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