
23 1 0

all characters are aged up

Shoto sat at the edge of his pool as he drank a cup of his wine. He had just found out that his girlf–ex... Camie had cheated on him with one of his closest friends; Inasa. At first he didn't care, he felt numb for a few days but thats when she started appearing in his life a lot more, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. There he was on his pool, half drunk with music in the background. Luckily he lived away from other houses if now he would've had the cops called on him.

"hey half and half!" the noise of his roommate was heard around the house.

please...just shut up

"quit sulking and get out the fucking water!" bakugou yelled as he walked towards his friend. Bakugou was tired of having to be doing everything for his roommate. He understands what's going on and at first he wanted to give Todoroki the time to fix himself but this was too much. Not eating a proper meal, barely showering, him going in public and buying junk food, only for a bitch who was a wast of time. Thats what Camie was to Bakugou, a bitch.

"leave katsuki...", todoroki mumbled as he sunk his body back into the water.

"if you think i'm going to pick you up and take you inside, keep dreaming!" bakugou yelled the last part. "go and shower! Toshinori wants us to head over there... NOW!".

Todoroki heard Bakugou slam the back door shut. He knew he shouldn't be acting like that with his only friend. They knew each other since high school and even if Bakugou yelled and insulted him for no reason, he was still there for him and showed he cared of todoroki–in his own way.

Todoroki listened to Bakugou and went to go take a shower, which he might've stayed there longer than he should. After that Bakugou drove them to the huge building where Todoroki's dad works. He hated going ever since he was a kid because every time he stepped a foot in a place his father is in, Enji is always there to tell him that one day Shoto will take Toshinori's place and be the boss.

"why are we coming here again?", shoto asked as he looked out the window, children and people walking down the streets with smiles on their faces. Oh, how he missed that feeling.

"its about some dumb meeting, I guess it was so fucking important that they wanted me to skip my meal, I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon god damn it!" Bakugou yelled as he gripped onto the steering wheel.

Shoto scoffed at his friend as he turned to check his phone.

"hey" bakugou called. Shoto turned his head to face the blonde who kept his eyes on the road.

"forget about her. Its been 2 weeks, don't let some damn girl have you sulking around like this" he said.

"you don't get it, Katsuki, we were so happy. What did i do wrong?" shoto leaned his head against the window as he closed his eyes, sighing loudly.

"you didn't do anything half and half... one day someone will teach that bitch a lesson"

. . .

"everybody get down!" Uraraka whisper–yelled at the people in the meeting room.

The light in the entire building went out, all of a sudden the alarm went off signaling that someone had walked in without an ID to the building. Everyone began walking towards the door ready to evacuate until they heard gun shots coming from the floor below them. First thing they did was go back into their offices and lock their doors.

Todoroki was currently in Toshinori's office with his team; Iida, Bakugou, Asui, Uraraka, and Midoriya. They all cornered up behind Toshinori's desk and calmed their breaths. Hearing the other workers whimpering in fear as they heard footsteps walk up to the front door.

It became quiet for a few seconds before hearing the door getting kicked down, causing the group to tremble in fear. Uraraka began to cry but covered her mouth so she wouldn't make a noise. Enji shushed them all before there was any other noise coming out of the team. Soon hearing a table get flipped from outside.

The intruder began to whistle a soft tune as they walked around while music played, which sounded that they were coming from the persons headphones. The music became louder with each step closer to their door. Then they knocked on the door.

Bakugou covered Shoto's mouth with his hand to silence his heavy breathing. Bakugou placed a finger on his lips, signaling him to be quiet. Shoto nodded and closed his eyes.

Now their door was kicked down quickly. Enji stood up since he was closer to the door, walked towards the person snd was ready to push them to the floor.

The gun was fired.


i've been having this playing in my head for he longest and i just couldn't ignore it.

𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - s.todorokiWhere stories live. Discover now