Your momentary hesitation as you looked at him with surprise gave him the chance to grab hold of your ankle again, pulling you down with him. Knowing there was no other way to escape his grasp, you locked your fingers on both hands and pushed downward, sending a gush of water to push him further away from you, the draft was strong enough to break his hold on your ankle.

You swam as fast as you could back to the shallow end to reach the stairs before he could retaliate. As you pulled your head above the surface and grabbed the side rail, you heard coughing and gasping behind you.

"I will turn this whole," Bakugou started, trying to hide his laughter with his coughing, "pool into a fucking volcano, don't try me Squirtle."

"Stop calling me Squirtle, you loser. When are you going to beat me at anything, huh?" You said, finishing your ascend to the top of the stairs, finally stepping out of the water.

"Please, I can beat you at anything that I want to." He replied, watching as you wringed out your now soaking wet shirt that you had just put on.

"Then why haven't you?" You smiled, looking up and making eye contact, to see he was smirking too.

Whatever was bothering him earlier must have been taken care of, or he got over it, because he was now acting like his normal, immature self.

Bakugou scoffed, and you rolled your eyes playfully and turned, heading inside to get yet another shirt to wear. This was like the third one of the night.

Making your way upstairs you heard Midoryia scream, "I hate it, I refuse to drink another one STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME, TOKOYAMI!"

You peeked over the railing and into the kitchen, "Tokoyami! If you get that boy wasted enough to do dumb shit, I am going to be livid. We don't have many chances left!"

Tokoyami looked up at the rail to see where you were standing, only to rush over and hand the drink to you instead, "Here, drink up. I can see that you are too tense still, liven up."

He placed the drink into your hand and you took a big swig before pulling the cup back down, choking only just a little. What the hell was in this shit, rubbing alcohol? And it was about to be given to Midoryia?

You sent a thank you his way before finishing your walk up the stairs and to your bedroom. You didn't bother to close the door since you were only just changing the shirt that was over your swimsuit, so you shouldn't have been as startled as you were when you had turned back around and saw Todoroki standing in the doorway.

"Roki!", you said, widening your eyes as you had just come to the realization that you had barely even seen him tonight, "What the hell are you doing?"

He let out a short laugh before moving over to sit on your bed, not paying much mind to it as you continued your search through your drawers for another big t-shirt. He was your best friend after all, it shouldn't be weird for you two to be alone in each other's presence.

"Bakugou asked me to go get him and walk him here." He started, watching you expressionlessly as you started to get angry at your search.

You had already taken most of your clothes to the dorms, so it was hard to find something. You had packed clothes to come for the weekend of course, but this was your third shirt of the night. You couldn't afford to waste anymore packed clothes and instead focused on finding an old shirt instead.

"Is he okay? DId he talk to you?" you questioned, finally finding one of your dad's old shirts in the bottom of the drawer.

As you went to remove your old wet shirt, you had become vastly aware that Todoroki was sitting on your bed. Looking at you.

fire and desire [katsuki bakugo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now