Todoroki let out a short laugh and turned back around. He had been paired with Kirishima for this assignment, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him as you noticed he sat and listened to Kirishima ramble on about one of his friends from middle school who had reached out to him recently, who he ended up going to a party with last weekend. It sounded like a boring conversation and you were relieved that you had gotten paired up with one of your close friends, whom you could tell to shut up when necessary.

"How long does it take for skin to burn to the bone?" Bakugou's eyes went wide as he read question number four out loud, "What the fuck kind of question is that?"

"Language, Katsuki." Aizawa muttered as he walked up behind you. He was so quiet you hadn't even noticed him walking up. You had only hoped he didn't hear any content from the previous immature conversation.

"S-sorry." He muttered, putting his paper back onto the desk aggressively. He looked angry, as per usual, but it seemed like there was something bothering him more than usual today. Was it you? There was really no way of telling, and it isn't like you could ask him either, because there is no way in the burning pits of hell that he would tell you if there was something bothering him. He is the type of person that wants to seem strong and like they have it all together, so they will never tell you if something is wrong.

"Hey, Baku." You said, kicking his leg gently under the table.

He looked up at you begrudgingly and muttered, "What?"

"Are you coming over tonight? My parents are gone so we are all gonna use the pool." You stared at him and waited for an answer, "It's finally the weekend so we don't have to stay in the dorms."

He knew he might as well give in now. You weren't one to take no for an answer very often, and this was for sure one of those moments where you, indeed, were not going to take no for an answer. Obviously something was bothering him, and if you couldn't get him to tell you, you could at least offer a brief distraction.

"That depends. Are you and Todoroki going to be all over each other this time?" He glanced up at you and smirked, knowing that nothing made you angrier than being teased over your small crush.

It was impossible to hide at this point, at least from Bakugou and Ashe. Most of your other friends had taken oblivion to it.

You kicked him hard under the table earning a small grunt from him.

"Shut up, dumbass. You know there is absolutely nothing there." You glanced at the back of Todoroki's head, hoping he hadn't heard Bakugou's stupid remark.

"That doesn't answer my question." He stared down at his paper, as if the answer was just going to pop up on the page.

"Well, just for your sake, no. In fact, just for you, I won't even talk to him. I'll cling by your side all night and never leave." You said, knowing that is absolutely not what he wanted at all, "Oh! And I'll even tell Deku to hang out with us too! We can be a cute little trio!"

"I'm not coming."

As soon as you had opened your mouth to respond, Aizawa had dismissed class, and upon looking at the clock above the board you saw that it was, in fact, time for the day to be over.

You stood from your seat, adjusting your skirt as you watched Bakugou put his desk back in place, quickly grabbing his bag and power walking out of the room.

You couldn't quite put a finger on what could possibly be bothering him today. Of course, everything bothered him, but you knew him well enough by now to know that there was something deeper than his usual annoyance issues.

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