(Earlier before the move)

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Jack&Jackie:Yes mom?
Mom:Dad and I are going to work today.
Jackie:I thought that your company said that you won't be going to work because of what has been happening to the country .
Dad:Yah us too,but,our boss called and informed us to go to work today.
Jack:So,are you going to call a babysitter?
Mom:Why should we hire a babysitter?It's just a waste of money your big enough.
Jackie:Um,because of Julie.Who's gonna take care of her?
Dad:You guys.
Mom:But what jack?
Jack:But we are going to Dione's party.

Dad:Well you have to cancel.
Jackie:Please,please call a nanny.
Mom:Sweetie,you know we can't,we don't have that money. So while we are gone,wash Julie and clean the dishes,also feed her and when she's as,go and pick up the groceries.Okay!
Dad:Honey,we'll be late!

(After the parents left).

Jack:So,will you wash the dishes or Julie?
Jackie:I'm not washing anything nor am i doing any chores. I'm going to that party.
Jack:But mom..
Jackie:Look,Julie is sleeping. We just have to leave the food on the stove cooking then we go to the party for a little while and come back and do the rest of the chores.
Jack:Okay! Grab your jacket it's chilly outside.
Jackie:You sound like mom!
Jack:No I don't.

(30min later)
Jackie:Dude that party was sick!
Jack:Yeah,too bad we had to go!
Jack:Where's Julie?
Jackie:Oh no!Mom's going to kill us!
Jackie:Um...mom...hello,sorry for disturbing you but um... Julie's kidnapped.
Mom:Sorry?I want her back.

(They here the cracking of the bedroom door)
Jackie:What was that!
Jack:Oh no!It's...MOM
Mom:Yeah its me.Now you better explain yourselves before I..
Dad:I'm here too.So what do you have to say for yourselves?
Mom:Your dad and I are going to discuss on which punishment that we will give you.

(20min later)
Dad:So we have decided to take away your phones and we'll be living upcountry for five whole months.
Mom:You better start packing your clothes cause we're leaving first thing tomorrow
Jackie:What about school?
Dad:Your cousin Mitch and Mitchell will be your tutors since they are older than you.
Jack:Well this will be the most terrible months in my life.
Jackie:You said it.

THE MOVE.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora