3: The Town

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(Felina is a species from the youtube series Songs of War from what I know. They are humans with cat ears, claws, fur, and tails. I really like SOW and it was discontinued. Full credit of the species goes to Black Plasma Studios, the creators of SOW.)

(I edited the history of the Felina for my own benefits)

Shadowhunter ate little, despite her knowledge of plants and animals. Shadow finally stopped running when she came upon a town, bustling with life. She spotted creatures of all kinds, buying food, laughing with friends, and some just lingered around. Shadowhunter still wouldn't fit in though, barely anyone knew of the Weyr-cats, and those who did kept it to themselves. Shadow noticed 4 Felina chatting in a group with a centaur and two griffins. 

The Weyr-cats had once been called the Feronis, that was before they split into two groups, the Weyr-cats, and the Felina. The Felina were the Feroni that had lost their transforming and telepathic abilities. They devolved into cat-like humans or just regular felines. The Felina were much more common than the Weyr-cats and they were much more popular in small towns. 

If Shadowhunter were in her human form she could pass as a Felina, but she would have to be extremely careful so the many Felina didn't notice something was off. There was no way Shadow could trick anyone in her cat form, a cat the size of a lion wouldn't help her, it would only attract attention. The kind of attention she was desperately trying to avoid.

 Shadowhunter needed a compass and a map and she could only get those from a shop. She had stolen some human currency before the Fersarr destroyed Telgar, and she kept the money for the off-chance that she would need to use it. Shadow always kept the coins pocketed in her pants for emergencies. She stood and sauntered down the hill and through the undergrowth, making sure she was in her human form. 

(Very short. 347 words. Not impressed with myself :(  

Promise I'm not looking for pity )

The Destruction of Falanuth (Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora