2: Escaping the Fersarr Pt2

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Whirling around, she ran throughout the Weyr broadcasting an alert to all Weyr-cats. She heard the Weyr-cats waking the others. A blur stopped Shadow in her path. It was Fernshade, a middle-aged male with white streaks along his otherwise grey muzzle, and also her Carrosorki. He spoke to her with urgency, "Shadowhunter, follow me." Terrified, Shadow trailed after him. 

They raced through the caves, the screams of injured Weyr-cats and the clashing of metal echoing and causing Shadowhunter to speed up. Fern rounded a corner and there was the emergency exit. A dark, yawning mouth that swallowed anything that came through it.

 Fern moved behind Shadow and began pushing her to the exit. "What are you doing?" Shadow asked. "You have to leave. You won't be safe here and you have to pass on your knowledge to the second colony.

Shadowhunter stared at him. "A second colony? I thought we were the only Weyr-cats left. There's more?" She had never heard of another colony. Fern nodded, his gaze wild with fear. 

"They live on the other side of the planet. Far away from the Fersarr and their treachery. When you get there, you will have to teach them all you know about our plants, they are unfamiliar with our methods and they must learn of the Fersarr." Shadow was flustered, "I don't even know where to go!" Fernshade's tail was lashing,

 "You need to go to the Pierrionus mountain range. That is where the colony has lived for thousands of years. When you get there, you will have to find the golden waterfall, and wait for someone to come get you at sunset. You must then speak your full name and wait for the colony to accept you. It may take time for them to come to you but they will. Now GO!

Fern shoved his shoulder into Shadowhunter and pushed her out of the mountain. Shadow ran as fast as she could, running into countless branches and stumbling over her own paws. When she was a safe distance away from Telgar, she dove under some undergrowth and hid. For weeks she ran, exhausted, until she couldn't anymore.

(This one is much shorter because I had prewritten this, and the ending of the last chapter was about three quarters through the entire section, and I just couldn't resist the dramatic ending in the last part. )

(405 words)

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