2021 dream

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I had another dream. It was weird at first, but then it was nice.

I was in a dark room, that looked like my dorm room, but smaller.

It was dark, so night time. I kept seeing strange things like doors opening on their own and such.

Suddenly I saw some female cartoon hippo laying on a bed, saying how she was being haunted and someone was randomly opening doors in her room.

She saw me, and we ended up talking about drinking tea, then we made a pacts about eating healthy.

The room transforms into one of those transportable buildings. I was there for some sort of orientation, but then it was time for lunch. I went outside, and I turned out to be on the edge of some sort of school (it looked like a huge version of my high school).

Only difference was, behind the building was a huge pier. But it was weird, because instead of sticking out deeper into the ocean, it went along the land like some sort of sidewalk. And the ocean was endless. It was super bright outside too, so the pier looked endless before my eyes had adjusted. The longer I looked the more I realized there was a hill and there was a grassy field in the distance. The ocean also seemed to get farther away from us then,Ike it was at an angle.

I begane to walk slowly while waiting for my friend to catch up. The hippo friend transformed into someone else, and I realized it was my old roommate/friend. (Even though she's not fat so don't even go there)

We walked along the pier, and it stopped being so unbearably bright, and a cool breeze was blowing. It was like the epitome of summer. Green grass and trees on one side, then beautiful ocean on the other.

I'm talking about how excited I am to be there and how beautiful the campus is. It's an open campus, so to the left of us (across from the pier and on the other side of the sidewalk) the buildings are spread out with pretty sidewalks and well placed grass.

We get to the tree line and walk a little more.
Now there is a super tall building with many floors blocking the pier, and I'm wondering if this is where the campus ends and a city begins. I think there are different areas for different majors.

Next to this building though, is a shake shop.

We go in, and it's a hole in the wall place. It's kinda small, but it's also big enough to have 2 benches around the corner. It's PACKED, and kind of loud so we're kind of shouting. My friend and I are joking about how we are NOT eating healthy. We go down the line and pick what we want. I ended up getting some sort of Taro, oreo shake topped off with some ocean blue liquid (it looked like blue Raspberry but I'm pretty sure it was blue Curaco). I also didn't see any Oreo in it but the lady making it kept saying it was in there. Which sounded gross but it was a special so I wanted to try it. I would always get another one if I really didn't like it, since this shop was on campus I paid with meal swipes.

The dream ended with me looking out the window with my drink in my hand.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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A series of strange but interesting dreams. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang