Fumikage Tokoyami

151 13 5

Part 1

(immalazyweeb shout out to you! You made my day so as a gift I made this chapter dedicated to you!)

A person who is considered to be one of the most powerful students in class 1-a and is labeled as one of the more enccentric ones in class.

His quirk is called Dark Shadow, a powerful quirk which places him as one of the best.

The way he presents himself is certainly different compared to his bright bubbly classmates, which makes other question whether he had the ability to be a popular hero.

As a response he thinks "Do I need to be popular to ba a hero?"

Here we are again! Questioning the beliefs of society and how it built its people.

Revolutionary thoughts, questions that shake minds at its core are thought of as weird and degraded for their new ideas and questions that change the perspective when answered.

Fumikage has a mind of a revolutionary and a quirk full of potential, but with these two combined a target is painred on his back.

Society never likes it when the status quo is being questioned and shook.

He never understood why he had to change himself to find a place in society.

The world isnt a happy place yet people proceed to lie to themselves by plastering a smile on their faces when they are nothing but misery and anguish.

In darkness lies the truth, in religion gives reasons. The two things he always wanted, to be given, to be told.

He grew up being ousted by the world around him.

Being called a freak for what he is and what he stands for.

He has had enough of it.

Its already bad enough that he cant go in the darkness, the only place where he is welcomed, without the fear of losing control of his other part.

But to add onto that by not having a support system in which helps him to have a stable mentality with basically having another voice always with you with the nagging question at the vack of your head wondering who is in control.

Is Dark Shadow his quirk or is he Dark Shadows quirk.

Is he the master of the bird shaped shadow like it claimes to be or was he just a tool?

How can they not live in fear knowing that someone can be born with the ability to bend the rules of nature?

Why are quirks looked at like gods blessing and not a curse or a tool for destruction?

Who is he really? Why was he given this quirk? How did it reach to a point where a spirit is inside his body for him to control, or the other way around.

Everything is confusing.

How is he going to find out a perfect answer?

In Christianity we are the sons and daughters of God. Born from his creations  expected to follow his expectations.

Not much different from society, so its not right for him.

He searched and searched, dove in every religion he could find hoping to find a purpose, a reason for his existance and why he was here.

Philosophers giving different meaning but none were satisfactory. None were revolutionary as all of these are blinded with the thought that quirks are the most important of ones being.

He tried to find an answer to all of his internal questions, diving deep into books and the internet for more info.

Not minding that he has further detatched himself from his peers.

"How can they sit so idly without knowing the reason in which they are here and who they are as a person, what role they play in this world, why were they given what they were given to survive?"

He thought to himself as he watched his classmates smile and laugh seeing the lies and pain behind every giggle from a 3rd perspective

In his middle school years he would go to a cafe where he would continue his conquest for answers about life and death, darkness and light, fear and strength.

One day at his usual table he is joined by what seemed as a frail timid boy who was covered in bandages grab a seat opposite to him.

"T-the c-c-cafe is kinda full so I hope you dont mind sharing, and y-you seem like the nicest one here." The boy with a bush for hair said to the black bird.

"It is okay, i do not go against sharing a table for a fellow who seems to not have any deceitful intention."

He said and them proceeded to go back to his book.

"What are you studying about?" Asked the greenette with pure curiosity in his eyes, tilting his head a little, looking like a lost injured kitten.

"Im looking for a religion that answers my questions about life and other things."

"Your looking for a reason why you are in the situation you are, not accepted by the world around for the mere fact that you question everything. Am i right?"

He was taken aback, this staranger had read him like an open book, was it his quirk?


"You wondered why they look at you weirdly which led to you questioning your existance, and everything else that makes you, you."

"Why are you telling me this? Are you using your quirk on me? Are you a villain of some sorts, violating my bounderies?"

Fumikage did not like the fact this random stranger could just say his stuggles out loud as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"One, because I see myself in you. Two, I dont have one. And three of course not."

"So your quirkless... im sorry for my rudeness."

"Hey its okay, being quirkless is painful but at least i dont have a part of myself that I dont understand."

The greenette smilled at him shyly.

Being around him makes me want to tell him all of my stuggles, feeling like he has all the answers.

Before the bird headed teen could speak the bandaged up boy said

"Nothing in this world is original so its up to us to put together fragments from other people, its unfair to you and them if you just copy pasted their self identity"

Then it clicked. The bird head made a realization with the help of a stranger!

Life sure is full of unexpected things.

"Who are you?" The feathered head said to the petite boy.

"I myself is still unsure, but isnt that the purpose of life. I dont take life to seriously, its not like were making it out alive, so might as well take my time."

A/n: to be continued in part 2

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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