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16th July 1922

Rose woke the following morning to the sun beaming in through the large windows of Arrow House's master bedroom. A moment of confusion was quickly washed over by the memories of the previous night's debauchery.

As her eyes opened, she reached her arm towards the other side of the bed, hoping to feel the warmth of Mr Shelby's skin against her hand but all she felt was the cold bed sheets where he had once laid. His pillow was still indented where his head had been, confirming that it hadn't all been a blissful dream.

Her eyes quickly scanned the room, finally being able to appreciate its fine decor. As she gazed over the scattering of clothes from the door to the bed, a glimpse of red caught her attention. It was a stamp on the corner of the envelope which had been placed in her mailbox the previous morning.

Stretching out of bed, she was just able to reach it from where she sat. Quickly tearing open the envelope, she began to read the hand written letter.

Dearest Rosalie,
First of all, happy birthday. Second of all, I want you to know that I take no pleasure in disclosing the information I am about to give you.

Rose's heart leapt into her throat as she quickly recognised the handwriting as her brother's. His two page long letter went into great detail about the man she had spent the previous night with.

Her brother had asked around about Mr Shelby among his associates and found out terrible things, things Rose had suspected but never wanted to find out the truth about.

But now she knew. He was a viscous killer whose power had risen from fear and illegal activity. Just like her father.

With a sigh, she placed the letter on the side cabinet before getting out of bed. As she dressed in the previous day's clothes, she internally debated what to say to Tommy about the letter.

It wasn't a huge deal, it just meant the ignorant bliss she had been living in was now over and she would have to accept that she was slowly descending down the same path her mother had no matter how desperately she tried to run from it.

With the folded letter in her hand, she walked through the large home in an attempt to find Mr Shelby. Each worker she passed greeted her, she wasn't a stranger to them seeing as she had spent so much time at the house.

As she passed the front door heading towards Tommy's office, a figure emerged from it but it was far too big to be the man she was looking for. This man was tall and large with a bushy beard. He walked with a cane, wore a long overcoat and a hat far different to Tommy's.

Her brow furrowed at the man as she moved closer to him. When she was only a few metres away, he finally looked up and noticed her too, eyes moving to rake from her face down her body and back up again.

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