Sebastian could see her facial features a bit more when the workers opened the door to leave.

"You guys eat, I'm getting my energy as we speak so it's only fair if you do too" Y/n muttered over to the three, never batting an eye to them.

It took her a while before she glanced over to Sebastian.

As they locked eyes, Y/n smiled sadly over to him.

If only Sebastian knew what they did to her before coming here...

He had a bit of a hint when seeing the bandages around her arms and thighs..

"Did they show you guys my childhood here or something? I know it was hard to see but please don't look at me like that..." Y/n muttered quietly.

She never wanted them to see her in those situations.

It gave her PTSD flashbacks just being in the institutes perimeter but the drugs they forced into her body made her feel numb to the memories.

Sebastian nodded and started eating his food along with Sam and Abby.

"Did they do the same again before you came here?" Abigail asked, a tear ran down her cheek when thinking back at the tape they watched the night before.

Y/n was still young back then, thin and delicate.

"Well, yeah... but thankfully I've grown a little numb to it..."

It still hurt for her, but it wasn't as bad as it was when she was first there at age 12.

They did put tubes up her nose to infuse a tiny bit of garlic sauce into her system.

Now that was painful...

Luckily the sauce wasn't as organic as they thought and only contained a small amount of garlic.

So Y/n was let off easy after the torture.

"Did they hurt you guys..?" She asked after  a long period of silence.

"No... but you were hurt.." Sam whispered under his breath.

"Don't worry, now that they moved me here they don't plan on doing much.. maybe a little bit of torture here and there but it won't be as bad as when I'm alone..."

"Alone? Hiro and Isaac weren't with you?" Sebastian straightened up in his spot, surprised and worried for the other two.

"No.. they're probably in separate cells, they're strong though so I know they can make it through..."

Y/n spoke so freely in the institution... so natural...

It really put them off.

"I think my other friends might the here too"

"What makes you say that?" Sam asked, he cocked his eyebrow at her.

"Well one of us in the group is a mage, we all give off a ton of energy when around each other but she emits a lot more magic power than any of us do... it's like with Rasmodius, he's here somewhere as well"

Sebastian nodded, the conversation intrigued him deeply.

It was such an interesting world they lived in, he wondered if there were others out there that even Y/n doesn't know about...

"Your a little less aggressive today Y/n, I'm hoping it's because of the drugs we gave you?" The speaker man showed up without any warning, scaring Sam a bit in his seat.

"Fuck you, I did your wife" Y/n deadpanned, not giving into the mans taunts.

For once the three could see the girls anger seeping through the thin air.

It was hard not to notice... especially with the tense aura that accompanied the rage.

"Now, if you keep talking like that we might as well go and do something about it, your friends can watch to"


"They've seen too much, now they have to stay in here with you"

There was a long period of silence before the man started speaking again.

"Do you kids know how many innocent human beings this demon has killed?"

"I'm a vampire dumbass"

"Your a monster"

Y/n's shoulders slowly lowered.

Sebastian knew something was wrong.

She wasn't a monster.

She just couldn't help it, she had to eat or she'd die.

It's the same thing with humans and animals.

And yet with Y/n it was different because human lives are apparently more important than animal ones.

They weren't.

Humans are selfish, cold and violating towards anything remotely different.

Sometimes Sebastian felt disgusted with himself just being apart of the destroyed society.

But it had its perks too...

The speaker man left them alone to finish their food, but Y/n was still sat limp in her chair.

"Your not a monster Y/n" Abigail spoke up.

They could feel her own misery leak out her undead body.

Weakly, Y/n lifted her head up to smile at Abby.

"Thanks, but he's not necessarily wrong... I've killed and tortured as many people as the population of Zuzu city... maybe even more"

"But you had to" Sebastian finished his food, pushing  his plate to the side as he listened closely to the girls words.

"Torture them? Ha.. no, I never had to.. I was just a teenager back then, I barely had any control over myself"

The three went quiet, not knowing what else to say to her.

"But your okay now, you have control" Sam suddenly spoke up.

Y/n chuckled softly and nodded before awkwardly shifting in her chair.

She was getting uncomfortable just sitting there and not being able to move around just made it worse.

Yoba could things get any worse..?

Dead for centuries - Seb X ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя